casperlabs-engine-test-support 0.6.0

Library to support testing of Wasm smart contracts for use on the CasperLabs network.
use std::convert::TryFrom;

use engine_shared::stored_value::StoredValue;
use types::{
    bytesrepr::{FromBytes, ToBytes},
    CLTyped, CLValue,

use crate::Result;

/// A value stored under a given key on the network.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Value {
    inner: StoredValue,

impl Value {
    pub(crate) fn new(stored_value: StoredValue) -> Self {
        Value {
            inner: stored_value,

    /// Constructs a `Value` from `t`.
    pub fn from_t<T: CLTyped + ToBytes>(t: T) -> Result<Value> {
        let cl_value = CLValue::from_t(t)?;
        let inner = StoredValue::CLValue(cl_value);
        Ok(Value { inner })

    /// Consumes and converts `self` back into its underlying type.
    pub fn into_t<T: CLTyped + FromBytes>(self) -> Result<T> {
        let cl_value = CLValue::try_from(self.inner)?;