casperlabs-engine-test-support 0.6.0

Library to support testing of Wasm smart contracts for use on the CasperLabs network.
//! A library to support testing of Wasm smart contracts for use on the CasperLabs Platform.
//! # Example
//! Consider a contract held in "contract.wasm" which stores an arbitrary `String` under a `Key`
//! named "special_value":
//! ```no_run
//! # use contract as casperlabs_contract;
//! # use types as casperlabs_types;
//! use casperlabs_contract::{contract_api::{runtime, storage}, unwrap_or_revert::UnwrapOrRevert};
//! use casperlabs_types::{Key, ApiError};
//! const KEY: &str = "special_value";
//! #[no_mangle]
//! pub extern "C" fn call() {
//!     let value: String = runtime::get_arg(0)
//!         .unwrap_or_revert_with(ApiError::MissingArgument)
//!         .unwrap_or_revert_with(ApiError::InvalidArgument);
//!     let value_ref = storage::new_uref(value);
//!     let value_key: Key = value_ref.into();
//!     runtime::put_key(KEY, value_key);
//! }
//! ```
//! The test could be written as follows:
//! ```no_run
//! # use types as casperlabs_types;
//! use casperlabs_engine_test_support::{Code, Error, SessionBuilder, TestContextBuilder, Value};
//! use casperlabs_types::{account::PublicKey, U512};
//! const MY_ACCOUNT: PublicKey = PublicKey::ed25519_from([7u8; 32]);
//! const KEY: &str = "special_value";
//! const VALUE: &str = "hello world";
//! let mut context = TestContextBuilder::new()
//!     .with_account(MY_ACCOUNT, U512::from(128_000_000))
//!     .build();
//! // The test framework checks for compiled Wasm files in '<current working dir>/wasm'.  Paths
//! // relative to the current working dir (e.g. 'wasm/contract.wasm') can also be used, as can
//! // absolute paths.
//! let session_code = Code::from("contract.wasm");
//! let session_args = (VALUE,);
//! let session = SessionBuilder::new(session_code, session_args)
//!     .with_address(MY_ACCOUNT)
//!     .with_authorization_keys(&[MY_ACCOUNT])
//!     .build();
//! let result_of_query: Result<Value, Error> =, &[KEY]);
//! let returned_value = result_of_query.expect("should be a value");
//! let expected_value = Value::from_t(VALUE.to_string()).expect("should construct Value");
//! assert_eq!(expected_value, returned_value);
//! ```

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
    html_favicon_url = "",
    html_logo_url = "",

mod code;
mod error;
// This module is not intended to be used by third party crates.
pub mod internal;
mod session;
mod test_context;
mod value;

pub use code::Code;
pub use error::{Error, Result};
pub use session::{Session, SessionBuilder};
pub use test_context::{TestContext, TestContextBuilder};
pub use types::account::PublicKey;
pub use value::Value;

/// The address of a [`URef`](types::URef) (unforgeable reference) on the network.
pub type URefAddr = [u8; 32];

/// The hash of a smart contract stored on the network, which can be used to reference the contract.
pub type Hash = [u8; 32];

/// Default test account address.
pub const DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR: PublicKey = PublicKey::ed25519_from([6u8; 32]);

/// Default initial balance of a test account in motes.
pub const DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_INITIAL_BALANCE: u64 = 100_000_000_000;