cargo 0.68.0

Cargo, a package manager for Rust.
//! Tests for when multiple artifacts have the same output filename.
//! See for more details.
//! Ideally these should never happen, but I don't think we'll ever be able to
//! prevent all collisions.

use cargo_test_support::registry::Package;
use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, cross_compile, project};
use std::env;

fn collision_dylib() {
    // Path dependencies don't include metadata hash in filename for dylibs.
    let p = project()
            members = ["a", "b"]
            name = "a"
            version = "1.0.0"

            crate-type = ["dylib"]
        .file("a/src/", "")
            name = "b"
            version = "1.0.0"

            crate-type = ["dylib"]
            name = "a"
        .file("b/src/", "")

    // `j=1` is required because on Windows you'll get an error due to
    // two processes writing to the file at the same time.
    p.cargo("build -j=1")
[WARNING] output filename collision.
The lib target `a` in package `b v1.0.0 ([..]/foo/b)` has the same output filename as the lib target `a` in package `a v1.0.0 ([..]/foo/a)`.
Colliding filename is: [..]/foo/target/debug/deps/{}a{}
The targets should have unique names.
Consider changing their names to be unique or compiling them separately.
This may become a hard error in the future; see <>.
", env::consts::DLL_PREFIX, env::consts::DLL_SUFFIX))

fn collision_example() {
    // Examples in a workspace can easily collide.
    let p = project()
            members = ["a", "b"]
        .file("a/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("a", "1.0.0"))
        .file("a/examples/", "fn main() {}")
        .file("b/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("b", "1.0.0"))
        .file("b/examples/", "fn main() {}")

    // `j=1` is required because on Windows you'll get an error due to
    // two processes writing to the file at the same time.
    p.cargo("build --examples -j=1")
[WARNING] output filename collision.
The example target `ex1` in package `b v1.0.0 ([..]/foo/b)` has the same output filename as the example target `ex1` in package `a v1.0.0 ([..]/foo/a)`.
Colliding filename is: [..]/foo/target/debug/examples/ex1[EXE]
The targets should have unique names.
Consider changing their names to be unique or compiling them separately.
This may become a hard error in the future; see <>.

// See
    any(target_env = "msvc", target_vendor = "apple"),
    ignore = "--out-dir and examples are currently broken on MSVC and apple"
fn collision_export() {
    // `--out-dir` combines some things which can cause conflicts.
    let p = project()
        .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "1.0.0"))
        .file("examples/", "fn main() {}")
        .file("src/", "fn main() {}")

    // -j1 to avoid issues with two processes writing to the same file at the
    // same time.
    p.cargo("build -j1 --out-dir=out -Z unstable-options --bins --examples")
[WARNING] `--out-dir` filename collision.
The example target `foo` in package `foo v1.0.0 ([..]/foo)` has the same output filename as the bin target `foo` in package `foo v1.0.0 ([..]/foo)`.
Colliding filename is: [..]/foo/out/foo[EXE]
The exported filenames should be unique.
Consider changing their names to be unique or compiling them separately.
This may become a hard error in the future; see <>.

fn collision_doc() {
    let p = project()
            name = "foo"
            version = "0.1.0"

            foo2 = { path = "foo2" }
        .file("src/", "")
            name = "foo2"
            version = "0.1.0"

            name = "foo"
        .file("foo2/src/", "")

    p.cargo("doc -j=1")
[WARNING] output filename collision.
The lib target `foo` in package `foo2 v0.1.0 ([..]/foo/foo2)` has the same output \
filename as the lib target `foo` in package `foo v0.1.0 ([..]/foo)`.
Colliding filename is: [..]/foo/target/doc/foo/index.html
The targets should have unique names.
This is a known bug where multiple crates with the same name use
the same path; see <>.

fn collision_doc_multiple_versions() {
    // Multiple versions of the same package.
    Package::new("old-dep", "1.0.0").publish();
    Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").dep("old-dep", "1.0").publish();
    // Note that this removes "old-dep". Just checking what happens when there
    // are orphans.
    Package::new("bar", "2.0.0").publish();
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"

                bar = "1.0"
                bar2 = { package="bar", version="2.0" }
        .file("src/", "")

    // Should only document bar 2.0, should not document old-dep.
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] bar v2.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] old-dep v1.0.0 [..]
[CHECKING] old-dep v1.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v2.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] bar v2.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.1.0 [..]

fn collision_doc_host_target_feature_split() {
    // Same dependency built twice due to different features.
    // foo v0.1.0
    // ├── common v1.0.0
    // │   └── common-dep v1.0.0
    // └── pm v0.1.0 (proc-macro)
    //     └── common v1.0.0
    //         └── common-dep v1.0.0
    // [build-dependencies]
    // └── common-dep v1.0.0
    // Here `common` and `common-dep` are built twice. `common-dep` has
    // different features for host versus target.
    Package::new("common-dep", "1.0.0")
        .feature("bdep-feat", &[])
                /// Some doc
                pub fn f() {}

                /// Another doc
                #[cfg(feature = "bdep-feat")]
                pub fn bdep_func() {}
    Package::new("common", "1.0.0")
        .dep("common-dep", "1.0")
                /// Some doc
                pub fn f() {}
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"
                resolver = "2"

                pm = { path = "pm" }
                common = "1.0"

                common-dep = { version = "1.0", features = ["bdep-feat"] }
                /// Some doc
                pub fn f() {}
        .file("", "fn main() {}")
                name = "pm"
                version = "0.1.0"
                edition = "2018"

                proc-macro = true

                common = "1.0"
                use proc_macro::TokenStream;

                /// Some doc
                pub fn pm(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

    // No warnings, no duplicates, common and common-dep only documented once.
        // Cannot check full output due to


fn collision_doc_profile_split() {
    // Same dependency built twice due to different profile settings.
    Package::new("common", "1.0.0").publish();
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"

                pm = { path = "pm" }
                common = "1.0"

                opt-level = 2
        .file("src/", "")
                name = "pm"
                version = "0.1.0"

                common = "1.0"

                proc-macro = true
        .file("pm/src/", "")

    // Just to verify that common is normally built twice.
    p.cargo("build -v")
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] common v1.0.0 [..]
[COMPILING] common v1.0.0
[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name common [..]
[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name common [..]
[COMPILING] pm v0.1.0 [..]
[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name pm [..]
[COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..]

    // Should only document common once, no warnings.
[CHECKING] common v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] common v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] pm v0.1.0 [..]
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.1.0 [..]

fn collision_doc_sources() {
    // Different sources with the same package.
    Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"

                bar = "1.0"
                bar2 = { path = "bar", package = "bar" }
        .file("src/", "")
        .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0"))
        .file("bar/src/", "")

    p.cargo("doc -j=1")
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[WARNING] output filename collision.
The lib target `bar` in package `bar v1.0.0` has the same output filename as \
the lib target `bar` in package `bar v1.0.0 ([..]/foo/bar)`.
Colliding filename is: [..]/foo/target/doc/bar/index.html
The targets should have unique names.
This is a known bug where multiple crates with the same name use
the same path; see <>.
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[DOCUMENTING] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[DOCUMENTING] bar v1.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.1.0 [..]

fn collision_doc_target() {
    // collision in doc with --target, doesn't fail due to orphans
    if cross_compile::disabled() {

    Package::new("orphaned", "1.0.0").publish();
    Package::new("bar", "1.0.0")
        .dep("orphaned", "1.0")
    Package::new("bar", "2.0.0").publish();
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"

                bar2 = { version = "2.0", package="bar" }
                bar = "1.0"
        .file("src/", "")

    p.cargo("doc --target")
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] orphaned v1.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] bar v2.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[CHECKING] orphaned v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] bar v2.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v2.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.1.0 [..]

fn collision_with_root() {
    // Check for a doc collision between a root package and a dependency.
    // In this case, `foo-macro` comes from both the workspace and
    // This checks that the duplicate correction code doesn't choke on this
    // by removing the root unit.
    Package::new("foo-macro", "1.0.0").publish();

    let p = project()
                members = ["abc", "foo-macro"]
                name = "abc"
                version = "1.0.0"

                foo-macro = "1.0"
        .file("abc/src/", "")
                name = "foo-macro"
                version = "1.0.0"

                proc-macro = true

                abc = {path="../abc"}
        .file("foo-macro/src/", "")

    p.cargo("doc -j=1")
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] foo-macro v1.0.0 [..]
warning: output filename collision.
The lib target `foo-macro` in package `foo-macro v1.0.0` has the same output filename as the lib target `foo-macro` in package `foo-macro v1.0.0 [..]`.
Colliding filename is: [CWD]/target/doc/foo_macro/index.html
The targets should have unique names.
This is a known bug where multiple crates with the same name use
the same path; see <>.
[CHECKING] foo-macro v1.0.0
[DOCUMENTING] foo-macro v1.0.0
[CHECKING] abc v1.0.0 [..]
[DOCUMENTING] foo-macro v1.0.0 [..]
[DOCUMENTING] abc v1.0.0 [..]