cargo 0.68.0

Cargo, a package manager for Rust.
//! Tests for `cargo-features` definitions.

use cargo_test_support::registry::Package;
use cargo_test_support::{project, registry};

fn feature_required() {
    let p = project()
                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the `im-a-teapot` manifest key is unstable and may not work properly in England

Caused by:
  feature `test-dummy-unstable` is required

  The package requires the Cargo feature called `test-dummy-unstable`, \
  but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1.[..]).
  Consider adding `cargo-features = [\"test-dummy-unstable\"]` to the top of Cargo.toml \
  (above the [package] table) to tell Cargo you are opting in to use this unstable feature.
  See for more information \
  about the status of this feature.

    // Same, but stable.
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the `im-a-teapot` manifest key is unstable and may not work properly in England

Caused by:
  feature `test-dummy-unstable` is required

  The package requires the Cargo feature called `test-dummy-unstable`, \
  but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1.[..]).
  Consider trying a newer version of Cargo (this may require the nightly release).
  See \
  for more information about the status of this feature.

fn feature_required_dependency() {
    // The feature has been stabilized by a future version of Cargo, and
    // someone published something uses it, but this version of Cargo has not
    // yet stabilized it. Don't suggest editing Cargo.toml, since published
    // packages shouldn't be edited.
    Package::new("bar", "1.0.0")
                name = "bar"
                version = "0.1.0"
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"

                bar = "1.0"
        .file("src/", "")

[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..]
error: failed to download replaced source registry `crates-io`

Caused by:
  failed to parse manifest at `[..]/bar-1.0.0/Cargo.toml`

Caused by:
  the `im-a-teapot` manifest key is unstable and may not work properly in England

Caused by:
  feature `test-dummy-unstable` is required

  The package requires the Cargo feature called `test-dummy-unstable`, \
  but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1.[..]).
  Consider trying a more recent nightly release.
  See \
  for more information about the status of this feature.

    // Same, but stable.
error: failed to download `bar v1.0.0`

Caused by:
  unable to get packages from source

Caused by:
  failed to download replaced source registry `crates-io`

Caused by:
  failed to parse manifest at `[..]/bar-1.0.0/Cargo.toml`

Caused by:
  the `im-a-teapot` manifest key is unstable and may not work properly in England

Caused by:
  feature `test-dummy-unstable` is required

  The package requires the Cargo feature called `test-dummy-unstable`, \
  but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1.[..]).
  Consider trying a newer version of Cargo (this may require the nightly release).
  See \
  for more information about the status of this feature.

fn unknown_feature() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["foo"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
        .file("src/", "")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  unknown cargo feature `foo`

fn stable_feature_warns() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-stable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
        .file("src/", "")
warning: the cargo feature `test-dummy-stable` has been stabilized in the 1.0 \
release and is no longer necessary to be listed in the manifest
  See[..]cargo/ for more information about using this feature.
[COMPILING] a [..]

#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "-Zallow-features is unstable")]
fn allow_features() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features=test-dummy-unstable build")
        .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["allow-features", "test-dummy-unstable"])
[COMPILING] a [..]

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features=test-dummy-unstable,print-im-a-teapot -Zprint-im-a-teapot build")
        .with_stdout("im-a-teapot = true")

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features=test-dummy-unstable -Zprint-im-a-teapot build")
error: the feature `print-im-a-teapot` is not in the list of allowed features: [test-dummy-unstable]

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features= build")
        .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["allow-features", "test-dummy-unstable"])
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the feature `test-dummy-unstable` is not in the list of allowed features: []

#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "-Zallow-features is unstable")]
fn allow_features_to_rustc() {
    let p = project()
                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features= build")

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features=test_2018_feature build")
[COMPILING] a [..]

#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "-Zallow-features is unstable")]
fn allow_features_in_cfg() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
                allow-features = ["test-dummy-unstable", "print-im-a-teapot"]
        .file("src/", "")

[COMPILING] a [..]

    p.cargo("-Zprint-im-a-teapot build")
        .with_stdout("im-a-teapot = true")
        .with_stderr("[FINISHED] [..]")

    p.cargo("-Zunstable-options build")
        .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["allow-features", "test-dummy-unstable", "print-im-a-teapot"])
error: the feature `unstable-options` is not in the list of allowed features: [print-im-a-teapot, test-dummy-unstable]

    // -Zallow-features overrides .cargo/config
    p.cargo("-Zallow-features=test-dummy-unstable -Zprint-im-a-teapot build")
error: the feature `print-im-a-teapot` is not in the list of allowed features: [test-dummy-unstable]

    p.cargo("-Zallow-features= build")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the feature `test-dummy-unstable` is not in the list of allowed features: []

fn nightly_feature_requires_nightly() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")
[COMPILING] a [..]

error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the cargo feature `test-dummy-unstable` requires a nightly version of Cargo, \
  but this is the `stable` channel
  See [..]
  See[..]cargo/reference/unstable.html for more \
  information about using this feature.

fn nightly_feature_requires_nightly_in_dep() {
    let p = project()
                name = "b"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []

                a = { path = "a" }
        .file("src/", "")
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("a/src/", "")
[COMPILING] a [..]
[COMPILING] b [..]

[ERROR] failed to get `a` as a dependency of package `b v0.0.1 ([..])`

Caused by:
  failed to load source for dependency `a`

Caused by:
  Unable to update [..]

Caused by:
  failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the cargo feature `test-dummy-unstable` requires a nightly version of Cargo, \
  but this is the `stable` channel
  See [..]
  See[..]cargo/reference/unstable.html for more \
  information about using this feature.

fn cant_publish() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")
[COMPILING] a [..]

error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the cargo feature `test-dummy-unstable` requires a nightly version of Cargo, \
  but this is the `stable` channel
  See [..]
  See[..]cargo/reference/unstable.html for more \
  information about using this feature.

fn z_flags_rejected() {
    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
                im-a-teapot = true
        .file("src/", "")
    p.cargo("build -Zprint-im-a-teapot")
            "error: the `-Z` flag is only accepted on the nightly \
             channel of Cargo, but this is the `stable` channel\n\
             See [..]",

    p.cargo("build -Zarg")
        .with_stderr("error: unknown `-Z` flag specified: arg")

    p.cargo("build -Zprint-im-a-teapot")
        .with_stdout("im-a-teapot = true\n")
[COMPILING] a [..]

fn publish_allowed() {
    let registry = registry::init();

    let p = project()
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]

                name = "a"
                version = "0.0.1"
                authors = []
        .file("src/", "")

    // HACK: Inject `a` directly into the index so `publish` won't block for it to be in
    // the index.
    // This is to ensure we can verify the Summary we post to the registry as doing so precludes
    // the registry from processing the publish.
    Package::new("a", "0.0.1").file("src/", "").publish();


fn wrong_position() {
    let p = project()
                name = "foo"
                version = "0.1.0"
                cargo-features = ["test-dummy-unstable"]
        .file("src/", "")
error: failed to parse manifest at [..]

Caused by:
  cargo-features = [\"test-dummy-unstable\"] was found in the wrong location: it \
  should be set at the top of Cargo.toml before any tables

fn z_stabilized() {
    let p = project().file("src/", "").build();

    p.cargo("check -Z cache-messages")
warning: flag `-Z cache-messages` has been stabilized in the 1.40 release, \
  and is no longer necessary
  Message caching is now always enabled.

[CHECKING] foo [..]

    p.cargo("check -Z offline")
error: flag `-Z offline` has been stabilized in the 1.36 release
  Offline mode is now available via the --offline CLI option
