cargo-trim 0.3.0

Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache
cargo-trim-0.3.0 is not a library.



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Travis Build Status Dependency status

Project Info:

License LoC Crates Version
License: MIT LoC Crate

Rust version support:

Stable Beta Nightly
Stable support Beta support Nightly support

OS support:

Linux OSX Windows
Linux support OSX support Windows support

Binary application for cleaning $CARGO_HOME/registry & $CARGO_HOME/git folder support orphan cleaning and old cleaning Default $CARGO_HOME is set as $HOME/.cargo


Initially you should have rustc and cargo installed for a detail information of how to install rust-lang visit

For installation of cargo-trim:- You can install from registry

    cargo install cargo-trim


For bleeding edge latest development version:

    cargo install --git

By default cargo-trim print out colored output if you want to use a non colored output you can enable out non-colored-output using feature flag

    cargo install cargo-trim --features non-colored-output

Command output

All cargo-trim can be run using cargo trim <command> cargo trim --help will produce out following output which list out all of available output for cargo-trim

cargo-trim 0.3.0
Saurav Sharma <>
Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache

    cargo trim [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -a, --all             Clean up all .cargo/registry & .cargo/git follow config file data
    -c, --clear           Clear config data
    -f, --force           Force clear cache without reading conf file
    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -l, --light           Light cleanup repos by removing git checkout and registry source but stores git db and
                          registry archive for future compilation
    -o, --old-clean       Clean old cache crates
    -x, --orphan-clean    Clean orphan cache crates
    -q, --query           Return size of .cargo/cache folders
    -u, --update          Update Cargo.lock file present inside config directory folder path
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -e, --exclude <Crate>...              add listed crates to default conf file exclude list [use TRIM_EXCLUDE
                                          environment variable for creating exclude list without editing conf file]
    -g, --gc <git compress>               Git compress to reduce size of .cargo [possible values: all, index, git, git-
                                          checkout, git-db]
    -i, --include <Crate>...              add listed crates to default conf file include list [use TRIM_INCLUDE
                                          environment variable for creating include list without editing conf file]
    -r, --remove <Crate>...               Remove listed crates
    -s, --set-directory <Directory>...    Set directory of Rust project [use TRIM_DIRECTORY environment variable for
                                          creating directory list without editing conf file]
    -t, --top <number>                    Show certain number of top crates which have highest size
    -w, --wipe <Folder>                   Wipe folder [possible values: git, checkouts, db, registry, cache, index, src]

    clear       Clear current working directory from cargo cache config [alias: "clr"]
    config      Query config file data [alias: "c"]
    git         Perform operation only to git related cache file [alias: "g"]
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init        Initialize current working directory as cargo trim directory [alias: "in"]
    list        List out crates [alias: "l"]
    registry    Perform operation only to registry related cache file [alias: "reg"]
    remove      Remove values from config file [alias: "rm"]

Config file location

cargo-trim store its config file to config directory of OS and name config file as cago_trim_config.json. In file cargo-trim stores out information about directory of rust projects and exclude and include crates list.