cargo-trim 0.1.0

Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache
cargo-trim-0.1.0 is not a library.



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Travis Build Status Dependency status

Project Info:

License LoC Crates Version
License: MIT LoC Crate

Rust version support:

Stable Beta Nightly
Stable support Beta support Nightly support

OS support:

Linux OSX Windows
Linux support OSX support Windows support

Binary application for cleaning $CARGO_HOME/registry & $CARGO_HOME/git folder support orphan cleaning and old cleaning Default $CARGO_HOME is set as $HOME/.cargo


Initially you should have rustc and cargo installed for a detail information of how to install rust-lang visit

For installation of cargo-trim:- You can install from registry

    cargo install cargo-trim


For bleeding edge latest development version:

    cargo install --git

Command output

All cargo-trim can be run using cargo trim <command> cargo trim -h will produce out following output which list out all of available output for cargo-trim

cargo-trim 0.1.0
Saurav Sharma <>
Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache

    cargo trim [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -a, --all             Clean up all .cargo/registry & .cargo/git follow config file data
    -c, --clear           Clear config data
    -f, --force           Force clear cache without reading conf file
    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -l, --light           Light cleanup repos by removing git checkout and registry source but stores git db and
                          registry archive for future compilation
    -o, --old-clean       Clean old cache crates
    -x, --orphan-clean    Clean orphan cache crates
    -q, --query           Return size of .cargo/cache folders
    -u, --update          Update Cargo.lock file present inside config directory folder path
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -e, --exclude <Crate>...              Exclude listed crates
    -E, --exclude-conf <Crate>...         add listed crates to default conf file exclude list
    -g, --gc <git compress>               Git compress to reduce size of .cargo [possible values: all, index, git, git-
                                          checkout, git-db]
    -i, --include <Crate>...              Include listed crates
    -I, --include-conf <Crate>...         add listed crates to default conf file include list
    -r, --remove <Crate>...               Remove listed crates
    -s, --set-directory <Directory>...    Set directory of Rust project
    -t, --top <number>                    Show certain number of top crates which have highest size
    -w, --wipe <Folder>                   Wipe folder [possible values: git, checkouts, db, registry, cache, index, src]

    clear       Clear current working directory from cargo cache config
    config      Query config file data
    git         Perform operation only to git related cache file
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init        Initialize current working directory as cargo trim directory
    list        List out crates
    registry    Perform operation only to registry related cache file
    remove      Remove values from config file

Config file location

cargo-trim store its config file to config directory of OS and name file as cago_trim_config.json and stores all information on these file