cargo-show-asm 0.2.12

A cargo subcommand that displays the generated assembly of Rust source code.
use crate::asm::statements::Label;
use crate::cached_lines::CachedLines;
use crate::demangle::LabelKind;
use crate::{color, demangle, get_dump_range, Item};
// TODO, use
use crate::opts::{Format, ToDump};

mod statements;

use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
use statements::{parse_statement, Directive, Loc, Statement};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::Path;

pub fn parse_file(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Statement>> {
    // eat all statements until the eof, so we can report the proper errors on failed parse
    match nom::multi::many0(parse_statement)(input) {
        Ok(("", stmts)) => Ok(stmts),
        Ok((leftovers, _)) =>
            if leftovers.len() < 1000 {
                anyhow::bail!("Didn't consume everything, leftovers: {leftovers:?}")
            } else {
                let head = &leftovers[..leftovers.char_indices().nth(200).unwrap().0];
                anyhow::bail!("Didn't consume everything, leftovers prefix: {head:?}");
        Err(err) => anyhow::bail!("Couldn't parse the .s file: {err}"),

pub fn find_items(lines: &[Statement]) -> BTreeMap<Item, Range<usize>> {
    let mut res = BTreeMap::new();

    let mut sec_start = 0;
    let mut item: Option<Item> = None;
    let mut names = BTreeMap::new();

    for (ix, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() {
        if line.is_section_start() {
            if item.is_none() {
                sec_start = ix;
            } else {
                // on Windows, when panic unwinding is enabled, the compiler can
                // produce multiple blocks of exception-handling code for a
                // function, annotated by .seh_* directives (which we ignore).
                // For some reason (maybe a bug? or maybe we're misunderstanding
                // something?), each of those blocks starts with a .section
                // directive identical to the one at the start of the function.
                // We have to ignore such duplicates here, otherwise we'd output
                // only the last exception-handling block instead of the whole
                // function.
                // See
        } else if line.is_global() && sec_start + 3 < ix {
            // on Linux and Windows every global function gets it's own section
            // on Mac for some reason this is not the case so we have to look for
            // global variables. This little hack allows to include full section
            // on Windows/Linux but still capture full function body on Mac
            sec_start = ix;
        } else if line.is_end_of_fn() {
            let sec_end = ix;
            let range = sec_start..sec_end;
            if let Some(mut item) = item.take() {
                item.len = ix - item.len;
                res.insert(item, range);
        } else if let Statement::Label(label) = line {
            if let Some(dem) = demangle::demangled( {
                let hashed = format!("{dem:?}");
                let name = format!("{dem:#?}");
                let name_entry = names.entry(name.clone()).or_insert(0);
                item = Some(Item {
                    index: *name_entry,
                    len: ix,
                *name_entry += 1;
            } else if label.kind == LabelKind::Unknown {
                if let Some(Statement::Directive(Directive::SectionStart(ss))) =
                    if let Some(ss) = ss.strip_prefix(".text.") {
                        if ss.starts_with( {
                            let name =;
                            let name_entry = names.entry(name.clone()).or_insert(0);
                            item = Some(Item {
                                name: name.clone(),
                                hashed: name.clone(),
                                index: *name_entry,
                                len: ix,
                            *name_entry += 1;

fn used_labels<'a>(stmts: &'_ [Statement<'a>]) -> BTreeSet<&'a str> {
        .filter_map(|stmt| match stmt {
            Statement::Label(_) | Statement::Nothing => None,
            Statement::Directive(dir) => match dir {
                | Directive::Loc(_)
                | Directive::SubsectionsViaSym
                | Directive::Set(_) => None,
                Directive::Generic(g) => Some(g.0),
                Directive::SectionStart(ss) => Some(*ss),
            Statement::Instruction(i) => i.args,
            Statement::Dunno(s) => Some(s),
        .map(|m| m.as_str())

pub fn dump_range(
    files: &BTreeMap<u64, (std::borrow::Cow<Path>, CachedLines)>,
    fmt: &Format,
    stmts: &[Statement],
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut prev_loc = Loc::default();

    let used = if fmt.keep_labels {
    } else {

    let mut empty_line = false;
    for line in stmts.iter() {
        if fmt.verbosity > 2 {
        if let Statement::Directive(Directive::File(_)) = &line {
        } else if let Statement::Directive(Directive::Loc(loc)) = &line {
            if !fmt.rust {
            if loc.line == 0 {
            if loc == &prev_loc {
            prev_loc = *loc;
            if let Some((fname, file)) = files.get(&loc.file) {
                let rust_line = &file[loc.line as usize - 1];
                let pos = format!("\t\t// {} : {}", fname.display(), loc.line);
                println!("{}", color!(pos, OwoColorize::cyan));
                    color!(rust_line.trim_start(), OwoColorize::bright_red)
            empty_line = false;
        } else if let Statement::Label(Label {
            kind: kind @ (LabelKind::Local | LabelKind::Temp),
        }) = line
            if fmt.keep_labels || used.contains(id) {
            } else if !empty_line && *kind != LabelKind::Temp {
                empty_line = true;
        } else {
            if fmt.simplify && matches!(line, Statement::Directive(_) | Statement::Dunno(_)) {

            empty_line = false;
            match fmt.full_name {
                true => println!("{line:#}"),
                false => println!("{line}"),

fn load_rust_sources<'a>(
    sysroot: &Path,
    statements: &'a [Statement],
    fmt: &Format,
    files: &mut BTreeMap<u64, (Cow<'a, Path>, CachedLines)>,
) {
    for line in statements {
        if let Statement::Directive(Directive::File(f)) = line {
            files.entry(f.index).or_insert_with(|| {
                let path = f.path.as_full_path();
                if fmt.verbosity > 1 {
                    println!("Reading file #{} {}", f.index, path.display());
                if let Ok(payload) = std::fs::read_to_string(&path) {
                    return (path, CachedLines::without_ending(payload));
                } else if path.starts_with("/rustc/") {
                    // file looks like this and is located in rustlib sysroot
                    // /rustc/a55dd71d5fb0ec5a6a3a9e8c27b2127ba491ce52/library/core/src/iter/

                    let relative_path = {
                        let mut components = path.components();
                        // skip first three dirs in path
                        components.by_ref().take(3).for_each(|_| ());
                    if relative_path.file_name().is_some() {
                        let src = sysroot.join("lib/rustlib/src/rust").join(relative_path);
                        if !src.exists() {
                            eprintln!("You need to install rustc sources to be able to see the rust annotations, try\n\
                                       \trustup component add rust-src");
                        if let Ok(payload) = std::fs::read_to_string(src) {
                            return (path, CachedLines::without_ending(payload));
                } else if path.starts_with("/cargo/registry/") {
                    // file looks like this and located ~/.cargo/registry/ ...
                    // /cargo/registry/src/

                    // It does what I want as far as *nix is concerned, might not work for Windows...
                    let mut homedir = std::env::home_dir().expect("No home dir?");

                    let mut components = path.components();
                    // drop `/cargo` part
                        components.by_ref().take(2).for_each(|_| ());
                    let src = homedir.join(components.as_path());

                    if let Ok(payload) = std::fs::read_to_string(src) {
                       return (path, CachedLines::without_ending(payload));
                } else if fmt.verbosity > 0 {
                    println!("File not found {}", path.display());
                // if file is not found - Just create a dummy
                (path, CachedLines::without_ending(String::new()))

/// try to print `goal` from `path`, collect available items otherwise
pub fn dump_function(
    goal: ToDump,
    path: &Path,
    sysroot: &Path,
    fmt: &Format,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if fmt.verbosity > 2 {
        println!("goal: {goal:?}");

    let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(path)?;
    let statements = parse_file(&contents)?;
    let functions = find_items(&statements);

    if fmt.verbosity > 2 {

    let mut files = BTreeMap::new();
    if fmt.rust {
        load_rust_sources(sysroot, &statements, fmt, &mut files);

    if let Some(range) = get_dump_range(goal, *fmt, functions) {
        dump_range(&files, fmt, &statements[range])?;
    } else {
        if fmt.verbosity > 0 {
            println!("Going to print the whole file");
        dump_range(&files, fmt, &statements)?;