Crate cargo_show_asm

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A cargo subcommand that displays the Assembly, LLVM-IR, MIR and WASM generated for Rust source code.


$ cargo install cargo-show-asm


  • Platform support:

    • OS: Linux and MacOS. Limited support for Windows
    • Rust: nightly and stable.
    • Architectures: x86, x86_64, aarch64, etc.
    • Cross-compilation support.
  • Displaying:

    • Assembly in Intel or AT&T syntax.
    • Corresponding Rust source code alongside assembly.
    • llvm-ir.
    • rustc MIR
    • Wasm code
    • llvm-mca analysis


You can start by running cargo asm with no parameters - it will suggests how to narrow the search scope - for workspace crates you need to specify a crate to work with, for crates defining several targets (lib, binaries, examples) you need to specify exactly which target to use. In a workspace cargo asm lists only workspace members as suggestions but any crate from workspace tree is available.

Once cargo asm focuses on a single target it will run rustc producing assembly file and will try to list of available public functions:

$ cargo asm --lib
Try one of those
"<&T as core::fmt::Display>::fmt" [17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 19, 19, 12]
"<&mut W as core::fmt::Write>::write_char" [20]
"<&mut W as core::fmt::Write>::write_fmt" [38]
"<&mut W as core::fmt::Write>::write_str" [90]
"<F as nom::internal::Parser<I,O,E>>::parse" [263]
# ...

Name in quotes is demangled rust name, numbers in square brackets represent number of lines in asm file. Function with the same name can be present in several instances.

Specifying exact function name or a uniquely identifying part of it will print its assembly code

$ cargo asm --lib "cargo_show_asm::opts::focus::{{closure}}"

To pick between different alternatives you can either specify the index

$ cargo asm --lib "cargo_show_asm::opts::focus::{{closure}}" 2

Or start using full names with hex included:

$ cargo asm --lib --full-name
# ...
$ cargo asm --lib "once_cell::imp::OnceCell<T>::initialize::h9c5c7d5bd745000b"

cargo-show-asm comes with a built in search function. Just pass partial name instead of a full one and only matching functions will be listed

$ cargo asm --lib Debug

My function isn’t there!

rustc will only generate the code for your function if it knows what type it is, including generic parameters and if it is exported (in case of a library) and not inlined (in case of a binary, example, test, etc). If your function takes a generic parameter - try making a monomorphic wrapper around it and make it pub and #[inline(never)].

What about cargo-asm?

cargo-asm is not maintained: This crate is a reimplementation which addresses a number of its shortcomings, including:

  • cargo-asm recompiles everything every time with 1 codegen unit, which is slow and also not necessarily what is in your release profile. cargo-show-asm avoids that.

  • Because of how cargo-asm handles demangling the output looks like asm but isn’t actually asm. It contains a whole bunch of extra commas which makes reusing it more annoying.

  • cargo-asm always uses colors unless you pass a flag while cargo-show-asm changes its default behavior if output is not sent to a terminal.

  • cargo-show-asm also supports MIR (note that the formatting of human-readable MIR is not stable).

Shell completion

cargo-asm comes with shell completion generated by bpaf, use one of the lines below and place it into the place right for your shell.

$ cargo-asm --bpaf-complete-style-bash
$ cargo-asm --bpaf-complete-style-zsh
$ cargo-asm --bpaf-complete-style-fish
$ cargo-asm --bpaf-complete-style-elvish

You’ll need to use it as cargo-asm command rather than cargo asm to take advantage of it.

Colorful line parser output

You can install cargo-show-asm with one of two features to get prettier command line

cargo install cargo-show-asm -F bright-color
cargo install cargo-show-asm -F dull-color


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