cargo-screeps 0.3.1

Build tool for deploying Rust WASM code to Screeps game servers
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Build tool for deploying Rust WASM code to Screeps game servers.

Best used with screeps-game-api.

This implements type-safe WASM bindings to the Screeps in-game API.

This is not fully tested, but feel free to use! Issues are welcome.

Build Options


Configured in [build] config section. No required settings.

  1. run to actually build rust source
  2. strip off header / surrounding function cargo-web generates for a generic JS file to load from web or from local filesystem
  3. append initialization call using bytes from require('<compiled module name>')
  4. put processed JS into target/main.js copy compiled WASM into target/compiled.wasm


Requires [upload] config section with at minimum username, password and branch.

  1. run build
  2. read target/*.js and target/*.wasm, keeping track of filenames
  3. read screeps.toml for upload options
  4. upload all read files to server, using filenames as the filenames on the server


Requires [copy] config section with at minimum destination and branch.

  1. run build
  2. copy compiled main file and WASM file (default main.js and compiled.wasm) from target/ to <destination directory>/<branch name>/
  3. if pruning is enabled, delete all other files in <destination directory>/<branch name>/


Requires default_deploy_mode configuration setting.

  1. run build
  2. run upload or copy depending on the default_deploy_mode configuration option


Does not require configuration.

  1. perform type checking / lifetime checking without compiling code
  • runs cargo web --check --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown which is fairly similar to cargo check.

Configuration Options

No namespace

  • default_deploy_mode: controls what cargo screeps deploy does

    This configuration is required for cargo screeps deploy. Possible values are "copy" and "upload".


Options for the upload deploy mode.

This section is required to use cargo screeps upload.

  • username: your Screeps username or email

  • password: your Screeps password

    For private servers set a password using screepsmod-auth.

  • branch: the branch on the server to upload files to

  • ptr: if true, upload to the "ptr" realm

  • hostname: the hostname to upload to

    For example, this could be, localhost or

  • ssl: whether to connect to the server using ssl

    This should generally be true for the main server and false for private servers.

  • port: port to connect to server with

    This should generally be set to 21025 for private servers.


Options for the copy deploy mode.

This section is required to use cargo screeps copy.

  • destination: the directory to copy files into

    If this path is not absolute, it is interpreted as relative to screeps.toml

  • branch: the "branch" to copy into

    This is the subdirectory of destination which the js/wasm files will be copied into.

  • prune: if true, extra files found in the destination/branch directory will be deleted


This configures general build options.

  • output_js_file: the javascript file to export bindings and bootstrapping as (default "main.js")
  • output_wasm_file: the WASM file to rename compile WASM to (default "compiled.wasm")
  • initialize_header_file: a file containing the JavaScript for starting the WASM instance. See overriding the default initialization header

Overriding the default initialization header

cargo-screeps tries to make a reasonable main.js file to load the WASM. However, it's pretty basic, and you might find you want to do some things in JavaScript before loading the WASM module.

Luckily, you can override this initialization! Set build.initialize_header_file to a file containing the JavaScript initialization code.

Two utility functions wasm_fetch_module_bytes and wasm_create_stdweb_vars will always be created, but the initialization header controls what actually runs.

See [docs/] for more information on this.

Updating cargo screeps

As it parses the unstable output of cargo-web, cargo-screeps is highly dependent on cargo-web version. It is recommended to upgrade both together.

Installing a version of cargo-web newer than what cargo-screeps supports will cause it to output an error on build. If this happens, please create an issue on this repository and we can update cargo-screeps. Updating it is simple, but it needs to be done every time cargo-web changes the output format, and we might not realize that has happened.

After updating, you'll want to do a full cargo clean to remove any old artifacts which were built using the older version of cargo-web.

cargo install -f cargo-web
cargo install -f cargo-screeps
cargo clean
cargo screeps build