cargo-screeps 0.1.6

Build tool for deploying Rust WASM code to Screeps game servers
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Build tool for deploying Rust WASM code to Screeps game servers.

Best used with screeps-game-api.

This implements type-safe WASM bindings to the Screeps in-game API.

This is not fully tested, but feel free to use! Issues are welcome.

cargo-screeps has three build options:


  1. during build stage, shell out to for actual building the rust code.
  2. strip off header / surrounding function cargo-web generates for a generic JS file, since we know we're deploying to node
  3. append call to __initialize function which cargo-web generates, using require('compiled') to get the WASM bytes
  4. create target/main.js containing processed JS and copy WASM file to target/compiled.wasm


  1. run build.
  2. read target/*.js and target/*.wasm, keeping track of filenames
  3. read screeps.toml for upload options
  4. upload all read files to server, using filenames as the filenames on the server.


  1. run cargo web --check --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown