cargo-profiler 0.1.6

Cargo subcommand to profile your applications.
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate clap;
extern crate regex;

pub mod profiler;
pub mod parse;
pub mod display;
pub mod err;
pub mod argparse;
pub mod cargo;

use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand, AppSettings};
use profiler::Profiler;
use parse::callgrind::CallGrindParser;
use parse::cachegrind::CacheGrindParser;
use std::process::Command;
use err::ProfError;
use argparse::{get_profiler, get_binary, get_num, get_sort_metric};
use cargo::build_binary;
use std::process;
use std::ffi::OsStr;

// macro to try something, but print custom error message and exit upon error.
macro_rules! try_or_exit {
    ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) =>   {println!("{}",e); process::exit(1);} })

fn main() {
    let _ = real_main();

// #[cfg(all(unix, any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos")))]
fn real_main() -> Result<(), ProfError> {
    // create binary path argument
    let binary_arg = Arg::with_name("binary")
                         .help("binary you want to profile");

    // create binary arguments positional args (aka, everything after a '--')
    let binargs_arg = Arg::with_name("binargs")
                          .help("arguments to the binary when executed");

    // create release argument
    let release = Arg::with_name("release")
                      .help("whether binary should be built in release mode");

    // create function count argument
    let fn_count_arg = Arg::with_name("n")
                           .help("number of functions you want");

    // create sort metric argument
    let sort_arg = Arg::with_name("sort")
                       .help("metric you want to sort by");

    // create callgrind subcommand
    let callgrind = SubCommand::with_name("callgrind")
                        .about("gets callgrind features")
                        .author("Suchin Gururangan")

    // create cachegrind subcommand
    let cachegrind = SubCommand::with_name("cachegrind")
                         .about("gets cachegrind features")
                         .author("Suchin Gururangan")

    // create profiler subcommand
    let profiler = SubCommand::with_name("profiler")
                       .about("gets callgrind features")
                       .author("Suchin Gururangan")

    // create profiler application
    let matches = App::new("cargo-profiler")
                      .author("Suchin Gururangan")
                      .about("Profile your binaries")

    // parse arguments from cli call
    let (m, profiler) = try_or_exit!(get_profiler(&matches));
    let binary = {
        if m.is_present("binary") {
        } else {
            if m.is_present("release") {
            } else {

    let binary_name = binary.split("/").collect::<Vec<&str>>().pop().unwrap_or("");
    let binargs: Vec<&OsStr> = match matches.values_of_os("binargs") {
        None => vec!(),
        Some(raw) => raw.collect(),

    let num = try_or_exit!(get_num(&m));
    let sort_metric = try_or_exit!(get_sort_metric(&m));

    match profiler {
        Profiler::CallGrind { .. } => {
            println!("\n\x1b[1;33mProfiling \x1b[1;0m{} \x1b[0mwith callgrind\x1b[0m...",
        Profiler::CacheGrind { .. } => {
            println!("\n\x1b[1;33mProfiling \x1b[1;0m{} \x1b[0mwith cachegrind\x1b[0m...",

    // get the profiler output
    let output = match profiler {
        Profiler::CallGrind { .. } => try!(profiler.callgrind_cli(&binary, &binargs)),
        Profiler::CacheGrind { .. } => try!(profiler.cachegrind_cli(&binary, &binargs)),

    // parse the output into struct
    let parsed = match profiler {
        Profiler::CallGrind { .. } => try_or_exit!(profiler.callgrind_parse(&output, num)),
        Profiler::CacheGrind { .. } => {
            try_or_exit!(profiler.cachegrind_parse(&output, num, sort_metric))

    // pretty-print
    println!("{}", parsed);

    // remove files generated while profiling

