cargo-profiler 0.1.6

Cargo subcommand to profile your applications.
extern crate ndarray;

use std::fmt;
use profiler::Profiler;
use self::ndarray::Axis;

// pretty-print separator of functions
static DASHES: &'static str = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------";

/// Format a number with thousands separators. copied from cargo bench.
fn fmt_thousands_sep(n: f64, sep: char) -> String {
    let mut n_usize = n as usize;
    use std::fmt::Write;
    let mut output = String::new();
    let mut trailing = false;
    for &pow in &[9, 6, 3, 0] {
        let base = 10_usize.pow(pow);
        if pow == 0 || trailing || n_usize / base != 0 {
            if !trailing {
                output.write_fmt(format_args!("{}", n_usize / base)).unwrap();
            } else {
                output.write_fmt(format_args!("{:03}", n_usize / base)).unwrap();
            if pow != 0 {
            trailing = true;

        n_usize %= base;


/// Pretty-print the profiler outputs into user-friendly formats.
impl fmt::Display for Profiler {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Profiler::CacheGrind { ref ir,
                                   ref i1mr,
                                   ref ilmr,
                                   ref dr,
                                   ref d1mr,
                                   ref dlmr,
                                   ref dw,
                                   ref d1mw,
                                   ref dlmw,
                                   ref data,
                                   ref functs } => {
                let _ = write!(f,
                       "\n\x1b[32mTotal Memory Accesses\x1b[0m...{}\t\x1b[0m\n\
                       \n\x1b[32mTotal L1 I-Cache Misses\x1b[0m...{} ({}%)\t\x1b[0m\
                       \n\x1b[32mTotal LL I-Cache Misses\x1b[0m...{} ({}%)\t\x1b[0m\
                       \n\x1b[32mTotal L1 D-Cache Misses\x1b[0m...{} ({}%)\t\x1b[0m\
                        \n\x1b[32mTotal LL D-Cache Misses\x1b[0m...{} ({}%)\t\x1b[0m\n\n\


                       fmt_thousands_sep((ir + dr + dw), ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(*i1mr, ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(i1mr / (ir + dr + dw) * 100., ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(*ilmr, ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(ilmr / (ir + dr + dw) * 100., ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(d1mr + d1mw, ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep((d1mr + d1mw) / (ir + dr + dw) * 100., ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep(dlmr + dlmw, ','),
                       fmt_thousands_sep((dlmr + dlmw) / (ir + dr + dw) * 100., ','),
                let _ = write!(f,
                               " \x1b[1;36mIr  \x1b[1;36mI1mr \x1b[1;36mILmr  \x1b[1;36mDr  \
                                \x1b[1;36mD1mr \x1b[1;36mDLmr  \x1b[1;36mDw  \x1b[1;36mD1mw \

                for (ref x, y) in data.axis_iter(Axis(0)).zip(functs.iter()) {
                    let _ = write!(f,
                                   "\x1b[0m{:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} {:.2} \
                                   x[0] / ir,
                                   x[1] / i1mr,
                                   x[2] / ilmr,
                                   x[3] / dr,
                                   x[4] / d1mr,
                                   x[5] / dlmr,
                                   x[6] / dw,
                                   x[7] / d1mw,
                                   x[8] / dlmw,
                    println!("{}", DASHES);

            Profiler::CallGrind { ref total_instructions, ref instructions, ref functs } => {

                let _ = write!(f,
                               "\n\x1b[32mTotal Instructions\x1b[0m...{}\n\n\x1b[0m",
                               fmt_thousands_sep(*total_instructions, ','));

                for (&x, ref y) in instructions.iter().zip(functs.iter()) {

                        let perc = x / total_instructions * 100.;
                        match perc {
                            t if t >= 50.0 => {
                                let _ = write!(f,
                                               "{} (\x1b[31m{:.1}%\x1b[0m)\x1b[0m {}\n",
                                               fmt_thousands_sep(x, ','),
                                println!("{}", DASHES);
                            t if (t >= 30.0) & (t < 50.0) => {
                                let _ = write!(f,
                                               "{} (\x1b[33m{:.1}%\x1b[0m)\x1b[0m {}\n",
                                               fmt_thousands_sep(x, ','),
                                println!("{}", DASHES);
                            _ => {
                                let _ = write!(f,
                                               "{} (\x1b[32m{:.1}%\x1b[0m)\x1b[0m {}\n",
                                               fmt_thousands_sep(x, ','),
                                               x / total_instructions * 100.,
                                println!("{}", DASHES);



mod test {
    fn test_fmt_thousands_sep() {
        assert_eq!(1, 1);
