cargo-hack 0.5.3

A cargo subcommand to provide some options useful for testing and continuous integration.
cargo-hack-0.5.3 is not a library.

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A cargo subcommand to provide some options useful for testing and continuous integration.


cargo install cargo-hack

Alternatively, download compiled binaries from GitHub Releases.

Compiler support: requires rustc 1.36+

cargo-hack is usually runnable with Cargo versions older than the Rust version required for installation (e.g., cargo +1.31 hack check). Currently, to run cargo-hack requires Cargo 1.26+.


See cargo hack --help for a complete list of options (output is here).

cargo-hack is basically wrapper of cargo that propagates subcommand and most of the passed flags to cargo, but provides additional flags and changes the behavior of some existing flags.


Perform for each feature which includes default features and --no-default-features of the package.

This is useful to check that each feature is working properly. (When used for this purpose, it is recommended to use with --no-dev-deps to avoid cargo#4866.)

cargo hack check --each-feature --no-dev-deps


Perform for the feature powerset which includes --no-default-features and default features of the package.

This is useful to check that every combination of features is working properly. (When used for this purpose, it is recommended to use with --no-dev-deps to avoid cargo#4866.)

cargo hack check --feature-powerset --no-dev-deps


Perform without dev-dependencies.

This is a workaround for an issue that dev-dependencies leaking into normal build (cargo#4866).

Also, this can be used as a workaround for an issue that cargo does not allow publishing a package with cyclic dev-dependencies. (cargo#4242)

cargo hack publish --no-dev-deps --dry-run --allow-dirty

Note: Currently, using --no-dev-deps flag removes dev-dependencies from real manifest while cargo-hack is running and restores it when finished. See cargo#4242 for why this is necessary. Also, this behavior may change in the future on some subcommands. See also #15.


Equivalent to --no-dev-deps except for does not restore the original Cargo.toml after execution.

This is useful to know what Cargo.toml that cargo-hack is actually using with --no-dev-deps.

This flag also works without subcommands.


Skip to perform on publish = false packages.


Skip passing --features to cargo if that feature does not exist.


Remove artifacts for that package before running the command.

This also works as a workaround for rust-clippy#4612.


Perform commands on a specified (inclusive) range of Rust versions.

$ cargo hack check --version-range 1.46..1.47
info: running `cargo +1.46 check` on cargo-hack (1/2)
info: running `cargo +1.47 check` on cargo-hack (2/2)

If the given range is unclosed, the latest stable compiler is treated as the upper bound.

This might be useful for catching issues like termcolor#35, regex#685, rust-clippy#6324.


Specify the version interval of --version-range.

Options for adjusting the behavior of --each-feature and --feature-powerset

The following flags can be used with --each-feature and --feature-powerset.


Use optional dependencies as features.

--exclude-features, --skip

Space-separated list of features to exclude.


Specify a max number of simultaneous feature flags of --feature-powerset.

If the number is set to 1, --feature-powerset is equivalent to --each-feature.


Space-separated list of features to group.

To specify multiple groups, use this option multiple times: --group-features a,b --group-features c,d

Improvement of the behavior of existing cargo flags

cargo-hack changes the behavior of the following existing flags.

--features, --no-default-features

Unlike cargo (cargo#3620, cargo#4106, cargo#4463, cargo#4753, cargo#5015, cargo#5364, cargo#6195), it can also be applied to sub-crates.

--all, --workspace

Perform command for all packages in the workspace.

Unlike cargo, it does not compile all members at once.

For example, running cargo hack check --all in a workspace with members foo and bar behaves almost the same as the following script:

# If you use cargo-hack, you don't need to maintain this list manually.
members=("foo" "bar")

for member in "${members[@]}"; do
    cargo check --manifest-path "${member}/Cargo.toml"

Workspace members will be performed according to the order of the 'packages' fields of cargo metadata.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.