cargo-hack 0.1.1

A tool to work around some limitations on cargo.
cargo-hack-0.1.1 is not a library.


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A tool to work around some limitations on cargo.

Cargo is a great tool but has some limitations. This tool provides additional flags to avoid some of these limitations.


cargo install cargo-hack

To install the current cargo-hack requires Rust 1.36 or later.

Note: cargo-hack is currently only tested on Linux and macOS. It may not work well on other platforms.


cargo-hack is basically wrapper of cargo that propagates subcommand and most of the passed flags to cargo, but provides additional flags and changes the behavior of some existing flags.

  • --each-feature

    Perform for each feature which includes --no-default-features and default features of the package.

    This is primarily intended to be used to verify that each feature is working properly. (When used for this purpose, it is recommended to use with --no-dev-deps.)

    cargo hack check --each-feature --no-dev-deps

    This is a workaround for an issue that cargo does not support for --features and --no-default-features flags for sub crates (rust-lang/cargo#3620, rust-lang/cargo#4106, rust-lang/cargo#4463, rust-lang/cargo#4753, rust-lang/cargo#5015, rust-lang/cargo#5364, rust-lang/cargo#6195).

  • --no-dev-deps

    Perform without dev-dependencies.

    This is a workaround for an issue that dev-dependencies leaking into normal build (rust-lang/cargo#4866).

  • --remove-dev-deps

    Equivalent to --no-dev-deps except for does not restore the original Cargo.toml after execution.

    This is useful to know what Cargo.toml that cargo-hack is actually using with --no-dev-deps.

    Also, this can be used as a workaround for an issue that cargo does not allow publishing a package with cyclic dev-dependencies. (rust-lang/cargo#4242)

    # This flag also works without subcommands.
    cargo hack --remove-dev-deps
    cargo publish --dry-run --allow-dirty
    # Equivalent to `cargo hack publish --no-dev-deps --dry-run --allow-dirty`
  • --ignore-private

    Skip to perform on publish = false packages.

  • --ignore-non-exist-features

    Skip passing --features to cargo if that feature does not exist.

    This is a workaround for an issue that cargo does not support for --features with workspace (rust-lang/cargo#3620, rust-lang/cargo#4106, rust-lang/cargo#4463, rust-lang/cargo#4753, rust-lang/cargo#5015, rust-lang/cargo#5364, rust-lang/cargo#6195).

cargo-hack changes the behavior of the following existing flags.

  • --all, --workspace

    Perform command for all packages in the workspace.

    For example, running cargo hack check --all in a workspace with members foo and bar behaves almost the same as the following shell script:

    members=("foo" "bar")
    for member in ${members[@]}; do
      cd ${member}
      cargo check
      cd -

    Note that there is currently no guarantee in which order workspace members will be performed. (This means that cargo hack publish --all --ignore-private does not necessarily function as you intended.)

  • --features, --no-default-features

    Unlike cargo (rust-lang/cargo#3620, rust-lang/cargo#4106, rust-lang/cargo#4463, rust-lang/cargo#4753, rust-lang/cargo#5015, rust-lang/cargo#5364, rust-lang/cargo#6195), it can also be applied to sub-crate.

  • -p, --package

    Currently this flag is ignored.

  • --exclude

    Currently this flag is ignored.


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