cargo-geiger 0.1.3

A small utility to count the uses of unsafe code in a Rust program.
cargo-geiger-0.1.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: cargo-geiger-0.11.7

cargo-geiger ☢

A program that list statistics related to usage of unsafe Rust code in a Rust crate and all its dependencies.

This project is in its current state a quick-n-dirty, glued together, remix of two other cargo plugin projects: and


  1. cargo install cargo-geiger
  2. Navigate to the same directory as the Cargo.toml you want to analyze.
  3. cargo geiger
  4. Please don't look at the --help flags, they are inherited from cargo-tree and may not work as intended. TODO: Review and update command line flags.

Output example:

Example output

Why even care about unsafe Rust usage?

When and why to use unsafe Rust is out of scope for this project, it is simply a tool that provides information to aid auditing and hopefully to guide dependency selection. It is however the opinion of the author of this project that libraries choosing to abstain from unsafe Rust usage when possible should be promoted.

This project is an attempt to create pressure against unnecessary usage of unsafe Rust in public Rust libraries.

Why the name?

Unsafe Rust and ionizing radiation have something in common, they are both inevitable in some situations and both should preferably be safely contained!

Known issues

  • Both base projects, cargo-tree and cargo-osha could be depended on if refactored into library and application parts.
  • Proper logging should be sorted out.
  • Command line flags needs review and refactoring for this project.
  • Will continue on syn parse errors. Needs a new command line flag and should default to exit on errors(?).
  • Could probably benefit from parallelization. One .rs file per core should be parsed at all times.