cargo-dylint 2.1.10

A tool for running Rust lints from dynamic libraries
# Dylint

A tool for running Rust lints from dynamic libraries

cargo install cargo-dylint dylint-link

Dylint is a Rust linting tool, similar to Clippy. But whereas Clippy runs a predetermined, static set of lints, Dylint runs lints from user-specified, dynamic libraries. Thus, Dylint allows developers to maintain their own personal lint collections.


- [Quick start]
  - [Running Dylint]
  - [Writing lints]
- [Features]
  - [Workspace metadata]
  - [Configurable libraries]
  - [Conditional compilation]
  - [VS Code integration]
- [Utilities]
- [Resources]

Documentation is also available on [how Dylint works].

## Quick start

### Running Dylint

The next three steps install Dylint and run all of this repository's [general-purpose, example lints] on a workspace:

1. Install `cargo-dylint` and `dylint-link`:

   cargo install cargo-dylint dylint-link

2. Add the following to the workspace's `Cargo.toml` file:

   libraries = [
       { git = "", pattern = "examples/general/*" },

3. Run `cargo-dylint`:
   cargo dylint --all --workspace

In the above example, the libraries are found via [workspace metadata], which is the recommended way. For additional ways of finding libraries, see [How Dylint works].

### Writing lints

You can start writing your own Dylint library by running `cargo dylint new new_lint_name`. Doing so will produce a loadable library right out of the box. You can verify this as follows:

cargo dylint new new_lint_name
cd new_lint_name
cargo build
DYLINT_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/target/debug cargo dylint list --lib new_lint_name

All you have to do is implement the [`LateLintPass`] trait and accommodate the symbols asking to be filled in.

Helpful [resources] for writing lints appear below.

## Features

### Workspace metadata

A workspace can name the libraries it should be linted with in its `Cargo.toml` file. Specifically, a workspace's manifest can contain a TOML list under `workspace.metadata.dylint.libraries`. Each list entry must have the form of a Cargo `git` or `path` dependency, with the following differences:

- There is no leading package name, i.e., no `package =`.
- `path` entries can contain [glob] patterns, e.g., `*`.
- Any entry can contain a `pattern` field whose value is a [glob] pattern. The `pattern` field indicates the subdirectories that contain Dylint libraries.

Dylint downloads and builds each entry, similar to how Cargo downloads and builds a dependency. The resulting `target/release` directories are searched for files with names of the form that Dylint recognizes (see [Library requirements] under [How Dylint works]).

As an example, if you include the following in your workspace's `Cargo.toml` file and run `cargo dylint --all --workspace`, Dylint will run on your workspace all of this repository's [example general-purpose lints], as well as the example restriction lint [`try_io_result`].

libraries = [
    { git = "", pattern = "examples/general/*" },
    { git = "", pattern = "examples/restriction/try_io_result" },

### Configurable libraries

Libraries can be configured by including a `dylint.toml` file in a linted workspace's root directory. The file should encode a [toml table] whose keys are library names. A library determines how its value in the table (if any) is interpreted.

As an example, a `dylint.toml` file with the following contents sets the [`non_local_effect_before_error_return`] library's `work_limit` configuration to `1_000_000`:

work_limit = 1_000_000

For instructions on creating a configurable library, see the [`dylint_linting`] documentation.

### Conditional compilation

For each library that Dylint uses to check a crate, Dylint passes the following to the Rust compiler:


You can use this feature to allow a lint when Dylint is used, but also avoid an "unknown lint" warning when Dylint is not used. Specifically, you can do the following:

#[cfg_attr(dylint_lib = "LIBRARY_NAME", allow(LINT_NAME))]

Note that `LIBRARY_NAME` and `LINT_NAME` may be the same. For an example involving [`non_thread_safe_call_in_test`], see [dylint/src/] in this repository.

Also note that the just described approach does not work for pre-expansion lints. The only known workaround for pre-expansion lints is allow the compiler's built-in [`unknown_lints`] lint. Specifically, you can do the following:


For an example involving [`env_cargo_path`], see [internal/src/] in this repository.

### VS Code integration

Dylint results can be viewed in VS Code using [rust-analyzer]. To do so, add the following to your VS Code `settings.json` file:

    "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand": [

If you want to use rust-analyzer inside a lint library, you need to add the following to your VS Code `settings.json` file:

    "rust-analyzer.rustc.source": "discover",

And add the following to the library's `Cargo.toml` file:

rustc_private = true

## Utilities

The following utilities can be helpful for writing Dylint libraries:

- [`dylint-link`] is a wrapper around Rust's default linker (`cc`) that creates a copy of your library with a filename that Dylint recognizes.
- [`dylint_library!`] is a macro that automatically defines the `dylint_version` function and adds the `extern crate rustc_driver` declaration.
- [`ui_test`] is a function that can be used to test Dylint libraries. It provides convenient access to the [`compiletest_rs`] package.
- [`clippy_utils`] is a collection of utilities to make writing lints easier. It is generously made public by the Rust Clippy Developers. Note that, like `rustc`, `clippy_utils` provides no stability guarantees for its APIs.

## Resources

Helpful resources for writing lints include the following:

- [Adding a new lint] targeted at Clippy but still useful
- [Author lint]
- [Common tools for writing lints]
- [Guide to Rustc Development]
- [Crate `rustc_hir`]
- [Crate `rustc_middle`]
- [Struct `rustc_lint::LateContext`]
  - [Method `typeck_results`]
  - [Field `tcx`]
    - [Method `hir`]

[`dylint-link`]: ../dylint-link
[`dylint_library!`]: ../utils/linting
[`dylint_linting`]: ../utils/linting
[`env_cargo_path`]: ../examples/general/env_cargo_path
[`non_local_effect_before_error_return`]: ../examples/general/non_local_effect_before_error_return
[`non_thread_safe_call_in_test`]: ../examples/general/non_thread_safe_call_in_test
[`try_io_result`]: ../examples/restriction/try_io_result
[`ui_test`]: ../utils/testing
[adding a new lint]:
[author lint]:
[common tools for writing lints]:
[conditional compilation]: #conditional-compilation
[configurable libraries]: #configurable-libraries
[crate `rustc_hir`]:
[crate `rustc_middle`]:
[dylint/src/]: ../dylint/src/
[example general-purpose lints]: ../examples/general
[features]: #features
[field `tcx`]:
[general-purpose, example lints]: ../examples/
[guide to rustc development]:
[how dylint works]: ../docs/
[internal/src/]: ../internal/src/
[library requirements]: ../docs/
[method `hir`]:
[method `typeck_results`]:
[quick start]: #quick-start
[resources]: #resources
[running dylint]: #running-dylint
[struct `rustc_lint::latecontext`]:
[toml table]:
[utilities]: #utilities
[vs code integration]: #vs-code-integration
[workspace metadata]: #workspace-metadata
[writing lints]: #writing-lints