cargo-binstall 0.4.1

Rust binary package installer for CI integration
use std::path::{PathBuf};

use log::{debug, info, warn, error, LevelFilter};
use simplelog::{TermLogger, ConfigBuilder, TerminalMode};

use structopt::StructOpt;

use tempdir::TempDir;

use cargo_binstall::*;

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
struct Options {
    /// Package name or URL for installation
    /// This must be either a package name or github or gitlab url
    name: String,

    /// Filter for package version to install
    #[structopt(long, default_value = "*")]
    version: String,

    /// Override binary target, ignoring compiled version
    #[structopt(long, default_value = TARGET)]
    target: String,

    /// Override install path for downloaded binary.
    /// Defaults to `$HOME/.cargo/bin`
    install_path: Option<String>,

    /// Disable symlinking / versioned updates
    no_symlinks: bool,

    /// Dry run, fetch and show changes without installing binaries
    dry_run: bool,

    /// Disable interactive mode / confirmation
    no_confirm: bool,

    /// Do not cleanup temporary files on success
    no_cleanup: bool,

    /// Override manifest source.
    /// This skips searching for a manifest and uses
    /// the specified path directly, useful for debugging and 
    /// when adding `binstall` support.
    manifest_path: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Utility log level
    #[structopt(long, default_value = "info")]
    log_level: LevelFilter,

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

    // Filter extraneous arg when invoked by cargo
    // `cargo run -- --help` gives ["target/debug/cargo-binstall", "--help"]
    // `cargo binstall --help` gives ["/home/ryan/.cargo/bin/cargo-binstall", "binstall", "--help"]
    let mut args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
    if args.len() > 1 && args[1] == "binstall" {

    // Load options
    let opts = Options::from_iter(args.iter());

    // Setup logging
    let mut log_config = ConfigBuilder::new();
    TermLogger::init(opts.log_level,, TerminalMode::Mixed).unwrap();

    // Create a temporary directory for downloads etc.
    let temp_dir = TempDir::new("cargo-binstall")?;

    info!("Installing package: '{}'",;

    // Fetch crate via, git, or use a local manifest path
    // TODO: work out which of these to do based on ``
    // TODO: support git-based fetches (whole repo name rather than just crate name)
    let manifest_path = match opts.manifest_path.clone() {
        Some(p) => p,
        None => fetch_crate_cratesio(&, &opts.version, temp_dir.path()).await?,
    debug!("Reading manifest: {}", manifest_path.display());
    let manifest = load_manifest_path(manifest_path.join("Cargo.toml"))?;
    let package = manifest.package.unwrap();

    let (mut meta, binaries) = (|m| m.binstall ).flatten().unwrap_or(PkgMeta::default()),

    // Merge any overrides
    if let Some(o) = meta.overrides.remove(& {

    debug!("Found metadata: {:?}", meta);

    // Generate context for URL interpolation
    let ctx = Context { 
        repo: package.repository, 
        version: package.version.clone(),
        format: meta.pkg_fmt.to_string(),
        bin: None,

    debug!("Using context: {:?}", ctx);
    // Interpolate version / target / etc.
    let rendered = ctx.render(&meta.pkg_url)?;

    // Compute install directory
    let install_path = match get_install_path(opts.install_path.as_deref()) {
        Some(p) => p,
        None => {
            error!("No viable install path found of specified, try `--install-path`");
            return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("No install path found or specified"));

    debug!("Using install path: {}", install_path.display());

    info!("Downloading package from: '{}'", rendered);

    // Download package
    let pkg_path = temp_dir.path().join(format!("pkg-{}.{}",, meta.pkg_fmt));
    download(&rendered, pkg_path.to_str().unwrap()).await?;

        // Fetch and check package signature if available
        if let Some(pub_key) = meta.as_ref().map(|m| m.pub_key.clone() ).flatten() {
            debug!("Found public key: {}", pub_key);

            // Generate signature file URL
            let mut sig_ctx = ctx.clone();
            sig_ctx.format = "sig".to_string();
            let sig_url = sig_ctx.render(&pkg_url)?;

            debug!("Fetching signature file: {}", sig_url);

            // Download signature file
            let sig_path = temp_dir.path().join(format!("{}.sig", pkg_name));
            download(&sig_url, &sig_path).await?;

            // TODO: do the signature check

        } else {
            warn!("No public key found, package signature could not be validated");

    // Extract files
    let bin_path = temp_dir.path().join(format!("bin-{}",;
    extract(&pkg_path, meta.pkg_fmt, &bin_path)?;

    // Bypass cleanup if disabled
    if opts.no_cleanup {
        let _ = temp_dir.into_path();

    if binaries.len() == 0 {
        error!("No binaries specified (or inferred from file system)");
        return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("No binaries specified (or inferred from file system)"));

    // List files to be installed
    // based on those found via Cargo.toml
    let bin_files = binaries.iter().map(|p| {
        // Fetch binary base name
        let base_name =;

        // Generate binary path via interpolation
        let mut bin_ctx = ctx.clone();
        bin_ctx.bin = Some(base_name.clone());
        // Append .exe to windows binaries
        bin_ctx.format = match &"windows") {
            true => ".exe".to_string(),
            false => "".to_string(),

        // Generate install paths
        // Source path is the download dir + the generated binary path
        let source_file_path = bin_ctx.render(&meta.bin_dir)?;
        let source = bin_path.join(&source_file_path);

        // Destination path is the install dir + base-name-version{.format}
        let dest_file_path = bin_ctx.render("{ bin }-v{ version }{ format }")?; 
        let dest = install_path.join(dest_file_path);

        // Link at install dir + base name
        let link = install_path.join(&base_name);

        Ok((base_name, source, dest, link))
    }).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, anyhow::Error>>()?;

    // Prompt user for confirmation
    info!("This will install the following binaries:");
    for (name, source, dest, _link) in &bin_files {
        info!("  - {} ({} -> {})", name, source.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), dest.display());

    if !opts.no_symlinks {
        info!("And create (or update) the following symlinks:");
        for (name, _source, dest, link) in &bin_files {
            info!("  - {} ({} -> {})", name, dest.display(), link.display());

    if !opts.no_confirm && !confirm()? {
        warn!("Installation cancelled");
        return Ok(())

    info!("Installing binaries...");

    // Install binaries
    for (_name, source, dest, _link) in &bin_files {
        // TODO: check if file already exists
        std::fs::copy(source, dest)?;

    // Generate symlinks
    if !opts.no_symlinks {
        for (_name, _source, dest, link) in &bin_files {
            // Remove existing symlink
            // TODO: check if existing symlink is correct
            if link.exists() {

            #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
            std::os::unix::fs::symlink(dest, link)?;
            #[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
            std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(dest, link)?;
    info!("Installation complete!");
