canyon_crud 0.1.0

A Rust ORM and QueryBuilder
use std::fmt::Display;

use async_trait::async_trait;
use canyon_connection::canyon_database_connector::DatabaseType;
use canyon_connection::CACHED_DATABASE_CONN;

use crate::bounds::QueryParameter;
use crate::mapper::RowMapper;
use crate::query_elements::query_builder::{
    DeleteQueryBuilder, SelectQueryBuilder, UpdateQueryBuilder,
use crate::result::DatabaseResult;

/// This traits defines and implements a query against a database given
/// an statemt `stmt` and the params to pass the to the client.
/// It returns a [`DatabaseResult`], which is the core Canyon type to wrap
/// the result of the query and, if the user desires,
/// automatically map it to an struct.
pub trait Transaction<T> {
    /// Performs a query against the targeted database by the selected datasource.
    /// No datasource means take the entry zero
    async fn query<'a, S, Z>(
        stmt: S,
        params: Z,
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<DatabaseResult<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Sync + Send + 'static)>>
        S: AsRef<str> + Display + Sync + Send + 'a,
        Z: AsRef<[&'a dyn QueryParameter<'a>]> + Sync + Send + 'a,
        let guarded_cache = CACHED_DATABASE_CONN.lock().await;

        let database_conn = if datasource_name.is_empty() {
                .expect("No default datasource found. Check your `canyon.toml` file")
        } else {
                    panic!("Canyon couldn't find a datasource in the pool with the argument provided: {datasource_name}"

        match database_conn.database_type {
            DatabaseType::PostgreSql => {
            DatabaseType::SqlServer => {
                sqlserver_query_launcher::launch::<T, Z>(
                    &mut stmt.to_string(),

/// *CrudOperations* it's the core part of Canyon-SQL.
/// Here it's defined and implemented every CRUD operation
/// that the user has available, just by deriving the `CanyonCrud`
/// derive macro when a struct contains the annotation.
/// Also, this traits needs that the type T over what it's generified
/// to implement certain types in order to work correctly.
/// The most notorious one it's the [`RowMapper<T>`] one, which allows
/// Canyon to directly maps database results into structs.
/// See it's definition and docs to see the implementations.
/// Also, you can find the written macro-code that performs the auto-mapping
/// in the *canyon_sql::canyon_macros* crates, on the root of this project.
pub trait CrudOperations<T>: Transaction<T>
    T: CrudOperations<T> + RowMapper<T>,
    async fn find_all<'a>() -> Result<Vec<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn find_all_datasource<'a>(
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<Vec<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn find_all_unchecked<'a>() -> Vec<T>;

    async fn find_all_unchecked_datasource<'a>(datasource_name: &'a str) -> Vec<T>;

    fn select_query<'a>() -> SelectQueryBuilder<'a, T>;

    fn select_query_datasource(datasource_name: &str) -> SelectQueryBuilder<'_, T>;

    async fn count() -> Result<i64, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn count_datasource<'a>(
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<i64, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn find_by_pk<'a>(
        value: &'a dyn QueryParameter<'a>,
    ) -> Result<Option<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn find_by_pk_datasource<'a>(
        value: &'a dyn QueryParameter<'a>,
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<Option<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn insert<'a>(
        &mut self,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    async fn insert_datasource<'a>(
        &mut self,
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    async fn multi_insert<'a>(
        instances: &'a mut [&'a mut T],
    ) -> Result<(), Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn multi_insert_datasource<'a>(
        instances: &'a mut [&'a mut T],
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>;

    async fn update(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    async fn update_datasource<'a>(
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    fn update_query<'a>() -> UpdateQueryBuilder<'a, T>;

    fn update_query_datasource(datasource_name: &str) -> UpdateQueryBuilder<'_, T>;

    async fn delete(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    async fn delete_datasource<'a>(
        datasource_name: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + std::marker::Send>>;

    fn delete_query<'a>() -> DeleteQueryBuilder<'a, T>;

    fn delete_query_datasource(datasource_name: &str) -> DeleteQueryBuilder<'_, T>;

mod postgres_query_launcher {
    use crate::bounds::QueryParameter;
    use crate::result::DatabaseResult;
    use canyon_connection::canyon_database_connector::DatabaseConnection;

    pub async fn launch<'a, T>(
        db_conn: &DatabaseConnection,
        // datasource_name: &str,
        stmt: String,
        params: &'a [&'_ dyn QueryParameter<'_>],
    ) -> Result<DatabaseResult<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>> {
        let mut m_params = Vec::new();
        for param in params {

        let query_result = db_conn
            .query(&stmt, m_params.as_slice())

        if let Err(error) = query_result {
        } else {
                query_result.expect("A really bad error happened querying PostgreSQL"),

mod sqlserver_query_launcher {
    use std::mem::transmute;

    use canyon_connection::tiberius::Row;

    use crate::{
        canyon_connection::{canyon_database_connector::DatabaseConnection, tiberius::Query},

    pub async fn launch<'a, T, Z>(
        db_conn: &&mut DatabaseConnection,
        stmt: &mut String,
        params: Z,
    ) -> Result<DatabaseResult<T>, Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>>
        Z: AsRef<[&'a dyn QueryParameter<'a>]> + Sync + Send + 'a,
        // Re-generate de insert statement to adecuate it to the SQL SERVER syntax to retrieve the PK value(s) after insert
        if stmt.contains("RETURNING") {
            let c = stmt.clone();
            let temp = c
                .expect("An error happened generating an INSERT statement for a SQL SERVER client");
            let temp2 = temp.0.split_once("VALUES").expect(
                "An error happened generating an INSERT statement for a SQL SERVER client [1]",

            *stmt = format!(
                "{} OUTPUT inserted.{} VALUES {}",

        let mut mssql_query = Query::new(stmt.to_owned().replace('$', "@P"));
            .for_each(|param| mssql_query.bind(*param));

        let _results: Vec<Row> = mssql_query
                unsafe { transmute::<&DatabaseConnection, &mut DatabaseConnection>(db_conn) }
                    .expect("Error querying the MSSQL database")
