canyon_crud 0.1.0

A Rust ORM and QueryBuilder


A full written in Rust ORM for multiple databases.

  • Linux CI
  • Code Coverage Measure
  • Tests on macOS
  • Tests on Windows

Canyon-SQL is a high level abstraction for working with multiple databases concurrently. Is build on top of the async language features to provide a high speed, high performant library to handling data access for consumers.

Early stage disclaimer

The library it's still on a early stage state. Any contrib via fork + PR it's really appreciated. Currently we are involved in a really active development on the project.

Full documentation resources

There is a work-in-progress web page, build with mdBook containing the official documentation. Here is where you will find all the technical documentation for Canyon-SQL. You can read it by clicking this link

Most important features

  • Async by default. Almost every functionality provided is ready to be consumed concurrently.
  • Use of multiple datasources. You can query multiple databases at the same time, even different ones!. This means that you will be able to query concurrently a PostgreSQL database and an SqlServer one in the same project.
  • Is macro based. With a few annotations and a configuration file, you are ready to write your data access.
  • Allows migrations. Canyon-SQL comes with a god-mode that will manage every table on your database for you. You can modify in Canyon code your tables internally, altering columns, setting up constraints... Also, in the future, we have plans to allow you to manipulate the whole server, like creating databases, altering configurations... everything, but in a programatically approach with Canyon!

Supported databases

Canyon-SQL currently has support for work with the following databases:

  • PostgreSQL (via tokio-postgres crate)
  • SqlServer (via tiberius crate)

Every crate listed above is an async based crate, in line with the guidelines of the Canyon-SQL design.

There are plans for include more databases engines.