canrust 1.0.0

A Rust library drawing shapes onto a canvas
# canrust

A port of Tk's Canvas, written in Rust and SFML, aiming to provide simple and Python-like syntax. 

# Example:
use canrust::canvas::{Canvas, Color}; 

fn main() {
      // Create a canvas:
      // size, name, background color
      let mut canvas = Canvas::new((800, 600), "Canvas", Color::WHITE);
      // create shapes:
      // laser eyes go brrrrr
      canvas.create_circle((1., 1.), 20., Color::BLACK, None, None).unwrap();
      canvas.create_rectangle((20., 20.), (30., 80.), Color::BLACK, None, None).unwrap();
      canvas.create_line((18., 20.), (18., 80), 2., Color::RED, None, None).unwrap();
      canvas.create_line((32., 20.), (32. 80.), 2., Color::RED, None, None).unwrap();
      // call the mainloop, objects will keep rendering as long as the program is running
# Dependencies

- SFML 2.5
- CSFML 2.5

# Installation

Add this line to your Cargo.toml

canrust = "1.0"