cala 0.9.0

Make portable apps and video games in Rust!
// Cala
// Copyright © 2017-2021 Jeron Aldaron Lau.
// Licensed under any of:
// - Apache License, Version 2.0 (
// - MIT License (
// - Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (
// At your choosing (See accompanying files LICENSE_APACHE_2_0.txt,
// LICENSE_MIT.txt and LICENSE_BOOST_1_0.txt).

//! Render (draw) graphics using the GPU and/or SIMD.
//! # Getting Started
//! This API is designed to be high-level without sacrificing optimization.
//! Graphics are complicated though, so before you start, a few things need
//! to be defined.
//! ## Shader
//! A Shader is a program that runs on the GPU for the purpose of drawing
//! Shapes.  When you make your program, start by creating a shader.
//! Shaders are built at compile time, so you'll need to make a and
//! depend on the [`res`]( crate.  Calling
//! `generate()` in your will generate your shaders.
//! ## Shape
//! A shape is a collection of vertices that when connected make a 2D or 3D
//! shape.  Shapes can only be used with one Shader because they may have
//! shader-specific additional information attached to them like color or
//! graphic coordinates.
//! ## Group
//! Shapes themselves can't be drawn, first you must make put them into a Group.
//! When putting a shape into a group you may attach a transform and optionally
//! texture coordinates to it.
//! # Coordinate System
//! ![X goes from 0 to 1, Y goes from 0 to `Canvas.height()`](
//! # Example
//! Open a window with a triangle that rotates once a second:
//! ```rust,no_run,ignore
//! use cala::*;
//! use cala::graphics::{
//!     color::SRgb32, shader, Group, Shader, ShaderBuilder, ShapeBuilder,
//!     Transform,
//! };
//! use cala::input::{GameInput, Input, TextInput, UiInput};
//! pub struct Context {
//!     colors: Shader,
//!     triangle: Group,
//!     timed: f64,
//! }
//! // Initialize & set loop to `init()`.
//! cala::exec!(init);
//! async fn init() {
//!     let timed = 0.0;
//!     // Load a shader.
//!     let colors = Shader::new(shader!("color"));
//!     // Build triangle Shape
//!     let triangle = Group::new();
//!     let mut context = Context {
//!         colors,
//!         triangle,
//!         timed,
//!     };
//!     // Game loop
//!     while [canvas(&mut context).fut(), input().fut()].select().await.1 {}
//! }
//! fn animate_triangle(context: &mut Context, time: f32, aspect: f32) {
//!     #[rustfmt::skip]
//!     let vertices = [
//!          -1.0,  1.0,  1.0, 0.5, 0.0,
//!           1.0,  1.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
//!           0.0, -1.0,  1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
//!           0.0, -1.0,  1.0, 0.7, 0.0,
//!           1.0,  1.0,  1.0, 0.7, 0.0,
//!          -1.0,  1.0,  1.0, 0.7, 0.0,
//!     ];
//!     let triangle_shape = ShapeBuilder::new()
//!         .vert(&vertices)
//!         .face(Transform::new())
//!         .finish(&context.colors);
//!     let transform = Transform::new()
//!         .rotate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, time)
//!         .scale(0.25, 0.25 * aspect, 0.25)
//!         .translate(0.5, 0.5 * aspect, 0.0);
//!     context.triangle.write(0, &triangle_shape, &transform);
//! }
//! // Function that runs while your app runs.
//! pub async fn canvas(context: &mut Context) -> bool {
//!     // Set the background color.
//!     let mut canvas = pixels::canvas(SRgb32::new(0.0, 0.5, 0.0)).await;
//!     // Update triangle
//!     context.timed = (context.timed + canvas.elapsed().as_secs_f64()) % 1.0;
//!     animate_triangle(context, context.timed as f32, canvas.aspect());
//!     // Draw triangle
//!     canvas.draw(&context.colors, &context.triangle);
//!     true
//! }
//! async fn input<'a>() -> bool {
//!     match cala::input::input().await {
//!         Input::Ui(UiInput::Back) => return false,
//!         Input::Game(_id, GameInput::Back) => return false,
//!         Input::Text(TextInput::Back) => return false,
//!         input => println!("{:?}", input),
//!     }
//!     true
//! }
//! ```

use std::{
        atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
        Arc, Condvar, Mutex, Once,

/// A 2D rectangular image.
/// ---
pub use pix::Raster;
/// Location and dimensions of a rectangular region within a `Raster`.
/// ---
pub use pix::Region;

/// Color Models and types.
/// These are re-exported from the `pix` crate.
pub mod color {
    pub use pix::bgr::*;
    pub use pix::cmy::*;
    pub use pix::gray::*;
    pub use pix::hsl::*;
    pub use pix::hsv::*;
    pub use pix::hwb::*;
    pub use pix::matte::*;
    pub use pix::rgb::*;
    pub use pix::ycc::*;

pub(super) enum GpuCmd {
    /// Set the background color on the GPU output raster.
    Background(f32, f32, f32),
    Draw(u32, u32),
    DrawGraphic(u32, u32, u32),
    SetTint(u32, [f32; 4]),
    RasterId(pix::Raster<pix::rgb::SRgba8>, u32),
    ShaderId(ShaderBuilder, u32),
    ShapeId(ShapeBuilder, u32, u32),
    GroupWrite(u32, u32, u32, Transform),
    GroupWriteTex(u32, u32, u32, Transform, ([f32; 2], [f32; 2])),

pub(super) struct FrameInternal {
    pub(super) waker: Option<Waker>,
    pub(super) frame: Option<(std::time::Duration, f32, bool)>,

type Location = Vec<(usize, usize)>;

pub(super) struct Internal {
    pub(super) cmds: Mutex<Vec<GpuCmd>>,
    pub(super) frame: Mutex<FrameInternal>,
    pub(super) pair: Arc<(Mutex<bool>, Condvar)>,
    raster_garbage: Mutex<Vec<u32>>,
    rasters: RefCell<Vec<window::RasterId>>,
    shader_garbage: Mutex<Vec<u32>>,
    shaders: RefCell<Vec<window::Shader>>,
    shape_garbage: Mutex<Vec<u32>>,
    shapes: RefCell<Vec<window::Shape>>,
    group_garbage: Mutex<Vec<u32>>,
    groups: RefCell<Vec<(window::Group, Location)>>,
static mut INTERNAL: MaybeUninit<Internal> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
static INIT: Once = Once::new();
static NEXT_RASTER_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
static NEXT_SHADER_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
static NEXT_SHAPE_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
static NEXT_GROUP_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

impl Internal {
    // Get internal graphics data, lazily initializing if not used yet.
    pub(super) fn new_lazy() -> &'static Self {
        // It's in the Condvar docs, so this is the recommended way to do it.
        unsafe {
            INIT.call_once(|| {
                INTERNAL = MaybeUninit::new(Internal {
                    cmds: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
                    frame: Mutex::new(FrameInternal {
                        waker: None,
                        frame: None,
                    pair: Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new())),
                    raster_garbage: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
                    rasters: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
                    shader_garbage: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
                    shaders: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
                    shape_garbage: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
                    shapes: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
                    group_garbage: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
                    groups: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),

/// `Raster` stored on the GPU.
pub struct Texture(pub(super) u32);

impl Texture {
    /// Create a `Texture` by copying a `Raster` to the GPU.
    pub fn new<P: pix::el::Pixel>(raster: &pix::Raster<P>) -> Self
        pix::chan::Ch8: From<<P as pix::el::Pixel>::Chan>,
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let id = if let Some(id) = internal.raster_garbage.lock().unwrap().pop()
        } else {
            NEXT_RASTER_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
        let raster = pix::Raster::<pix::rgb::SRgba8>::with_raster(&raster);
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();
        lock.push(GpuCmd::RasterId(raster, id));

impl Drop for Texture {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // FIXME: Make GpuCmd
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();

/// A Shader.
pub struct Shader(pub(super) u32);

impl Shader {
    /// Copy and send a shader program to the GPU.
    pub fn new(builder: ShaderBuilder) -> Shader {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let id = if let Some(id) = internal.shader_garbage.lock().unwrap().pop()
        } else {
            NEXT_SHADER_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();
        lock.push(GpuCmd::ShaderId(builder, id));

impl Drop for Shader {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // FIXME: Make GpuCmd
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();

/// A Shape.
pub struct Shape(u32);

impl Drop for Shape {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // FIXME: Make GpuCmd
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();

/// A Group.
pub struct Group(pub(crate) u32);

impl Default for Group {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Group {
    /// Create a new Group of Shapes.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let id = if let Some(id) = internal.group_garbage.lock().unwrap().pop()
        } else {
            NEXT_GROUP_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();

    /// Push a shape into the group.
    pub fn write(&mut self, id: u32, shape: &Shape, transform: &Transform) {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();
        lock.push(GpuCmd::GroupWrite(self.0, id, shape.0, *transform));

    /// Push a shape into the group.
    pub fn write_tex(
        &mut self,
        id: u32,
        shape: &Shape,
        transform: &Transform,
        tex_coords: ([f32; 2], [f32; 2]),
    ) {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();
            self.0, id, shape.0, *transform, tex_coords,

impl Drop for Group {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // FIXME: Make GpuCmd
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();

static ASPECT: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

// A function that is run on the graphics thread whenever
fn async_runner(window: &mut window::Window, elapsed: std::time::Duration) {
    // Get the aspect ratio
    let aspect = window.aspect();
    // Check if the window has been resized.
    let new_aspect = u32::from_ne_bytes(aspect.to_ne_bytes());
    let old_aspect = ASPECT.swap(new_aspect, Ordering::Relaxed);
    let resized = new_aspect != old_aspect;

    // Reset condvar
    let pair = {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
    let (lock, cvar) = &*pair;
    *lock.lock().unwrap() = false;

    // Wake async thread
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let mut lock = internal.frame.lock().unwrap();
        lock.frame = Some((elapsed, aspect, resized));

    // Wait for async thread to finish writing to the command buffer.
    let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap();
    while !*started {
        started = cvar.wait(started).unwrap();

    // Process commands in the command buffer.
    let mut lock = Internal::new_lazy().cmds.lock().unwrap();
    for cmd in lock.drain(..) {
        use GpuCmd::*;
        match cmd {
            Background(r, g, b) => window.background(r, g, b),
            Draw(shader, group) => {
                let shaders = Internal::new_lazy().shaders.borrow();
                let groups = Internal::new_lazy().groups.borrow();
                    .draw(&shaders[shader as usize], &groups[group as usize].0);
            DrawGraphic(shader, group, raster) => {
                let shaders = Internal::new_lazy().shaders.borrow();
                let groups = Internal::new_lazy().groups.borrow();
                    &shaders[shader as usize],
                    &groups[group as usize].0,
                    &Internal::new_lazy().rasters.borrow()[raster as usize],
            SetCamera(camera) => {
            SetTint(shader, tint) => {
                let shaders = Internal::new_lazy().shaders.borrow();
                window.tint(&shaders[shader as usize], tint);
            RasterId(raster, id) => {
                let gpu_raster = window.graphic(
                    raster.width() as usize,
                    raster.height() as usize,
                let mut rasters = Internal::new_lazy().rasters.borrow_mut();
                if id as usize == rasters.len() {
                } else {
                    rasters[id as usize] = gpu_raster;
            ShaderId(shader, id) => {
                let shader = window.shader_new(shader);
                let mut shaders = Internal::new_lazy().shaders.borrow_mut();
                if id as usize == shaders.len() {
                } else {
                    shaders[id as usize] = shader;
            ShapeId(shape_builder, id, shader) => {
                let mut shapes = Internal::new_lazy().shapes.borrow_mut();
                let mut shaders = Internal::new_lazy().shaders.borrow_mut();
                let mut shape =
                    window::ShapeBuilder::new(&mut shaders[shader as usize]);
                for face in shape_builder.faces {
                    if let Some(vertices) = face.vertices {
                        shape = shape.vert(vertices.as_slice());
                    if let Some(transform) = face.transform {
                        shape = shape.face(transform);
                if id as usize == shapes.len() {
                } else {
                    shapes[id as usize] = shape.finish();
            GroupId(id) => {
                let mut groups = Internal::new_lazy().groups.borrow_mut();
                if id as usize == groups.len() {
                    groups.push((window.group_new(), Vec::new()));
                } else {
                    groups[id as usize] = (window.group_new(), Vec::new());
            GroupWrite(group, id, shape, transform) => {
                let mut groups = Internal::new_lazy().groups.borrow_mut();
                let shapes = Internal::new_lazy().shapes.borrow();
                if id >= groups[group as usize].1.len() as u32 {
                    let location = if id == 0 {
                        (0, 0)
                    } else {
                        groups[group as usize].1[id as usize - 1]
                    let location = groups[group as usize].0.write(
                        &shapes[shape as usize],
                    groups[group as usize].1.push(location);
                } else {
                    let location = if id == 0 {
                        (0, 0)
                    } else {
                        groups[group as usize].1[id as usize - 1]
                    groups[group as usize].1[id as usize] = groups
                        [group as usize]
                        .write(location, &shapes[shape as usize], &transform);
            GroupWriteTex(group, id, shape, transform, texcoords) => {
                let mut groups = Internal::new_lazy().groups.borrow_mut();
                let shapes = Internal::new_lazy().shapes.borrow();
                if id >= groups[group as usize].1.len() as u32 {
                    let location = if id == 0 {
                        (0, 0)
                    } else {
                        groups[group as usize].1[id as usize - 1]
                    let location = groups[group as usize].0.write_tex(
                        &shapes[shape as usize],
                    groups[group as usize].1.push(location);
                } else {
                    let location = if id == 0 {
                        (0, 0)
                    } else {
                        groups[group as usize].1[id as usize - 1]
                    groups[group as usize].1[id as usize] =
                        groups[group as usize].0.write_tex(
                            &shapes[shape as usize],

/// Run the infinite event loop.  You should only call this on the main thread.
pub fn draw_thread() {
    let fallback_window_title = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
    let mut window = window::Window::new(fallback_window_title, async_runner);
    loop {;

pub use window::{shader, ShaderBuilder, Transform};

// // // // // //

struct Face {
    vertices: Option<Vec<f32>>,
    transform: Option<Transform>,

/// Builder for a shape.
pub struct ShapeBuilder {
    faces: Vec<Face>,

impl Default for ShapeBuilder {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl ShapeBuilder {
    /// Create a new `ShapeBuilder`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        ShapeBuilder { faces: Vec::new() }

    /// Set vertices for the following faces.
    pub fn vert(mut self, vertices: &[f32]) -> Self {
        self.faces.push(Face {
            vertices: Some(vertices.to_vec()),
            transform: None,

    /// Add a face to the shape using the last set vertices.
    pub fn face(mut self, transform: Transform) -> Self {
        if let Some(mut face) = self.faces.pop() {
            if face.transform.is_none() {
                face.transform = Some(transform);
            } else {
                self.faces.push(Face {
                    vertices: None,
                    transform: Some(transform),
        } else {
            panic!("Can't have a face without vertices!");

    /// Finish building the shape.
    pub fn finish(self, shader: &Shader) -> Shape {
        let internal = Internal::new_lazy();
        let id = if let Some(id) = internal.shape_garbage.lock().unwrap().pop()
        } else {
            NEXT_SHAPE_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
        let mut lock = internal.cmds.lock().unwrap();
        lock.push(GpuCmd::ShapeId(self, id, shader.0));

/// Something that can be drawn on.
pub trait Canvas {
    /// Draw a group on the screen.
    fn draw(&mut self, shader: &Shader, group: &Group);
    /// Set camera for shader.
    fn set_camera(&mut self, camera: Transform);
    /// Set tint for shader.
    fn set_tint<P: pix::el::Pixel>(&mut self, shader: &Shader, tint: P)
        pix::chan::Ch32: From<<P as pix::el::Pixel>::Chan>;
    /// Draw a group with a texture on the screen.
    fn draw_graphic(
        &mut self,
        shader: &Shader,
        group: &Group,
        graphic: &Texture,
    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed since the previous frame.
    fn elapsed(&self) -> std::time::Duration;
    /// Return the aspect ratio (`height / width`) of the `Canvas`.
    fn height(&self) -> f32;
    /// Returns true if the canvas has changed size since the last redraw.
    fn resized(&self) -> bool;