cairo-lang-semantic 1.0.0-alpha.2

Cairo semantic model.
use cairo_lang_defs::ids::{EnumId, GenericTypeId, ImplId, ModuleId, ModuleItemId, TraitId};
use cairo_lang_diagnostics::{Maybe, ToOption};
use cairo_lang_filesystem::ids::CrateLongId;
use cairo_lang_syntax::node::ast::{self, BinaryOperator, UnaryOperator};
use cairo_lang_syntax::node::ids::SyntaxStablePtrId;
use cairo_lang_utils::{extract_matches, try_extract_matches, OptionFrom};
use smol_str::SmolStr;

use crate::db::SemanticGroup;
use crate::diagnostic::SemanticDiagnosticKind;
use crate::expr::compute::ComputationContext;
use crate::expr::inference::Inference;
use crate::items::enm::SemanticEnumEx;
use crate::items::functions::{ConcreteImplGenericFunctionId, GenericFunctionId};
use crate::items::trt::{ConcreteTraitGenericFunctionLongId, ConcreteTraitId};
use crate::resolve_path::ResolvedGenericItem;
use crate::types::ConcreteEnumLongId;
use crate::{
    semantic, ConcreteEnumId, ConcreteFunction, ConcreteImplLongId, ConcreteVariant, Expr, ExprId,
    ExprTuple, FunctionId, FunctionLongId, GenericArgumentId, TypeId, TypeLongId,

pub fn core_module(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ModuleId {
    let core_crate = db.intern_crate(CrateLongId("core".into()));

pub fn core_felt_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TypeId {
    get_core_ty_by_name(db, "felt".into(), vec![])

pub fn core_nonzero_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, inner_type: TypeId) -> TypeId {
    get_core_ty_by_name(db, "NonZero".into(), vec![GenericArgumentId::Type(inner_type)])

pub fn try_get_core_ty_by_name(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    name: SmolStr,
    generic_args: Vec<GenericArgumentId>,
) -> Result<TypeId, SemanticDiagnosticKind> {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    // This should not fail if the corelib is present.
    let module_item_id = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, name.clone())
        .map_err(|_| SemanticDiagnosticKind::UnknownType)?
    let generic_type = match module_item_id {
        ModuleItemId::Use(use_id) => {
            db.use_resolved_item(use_id).to_option().and_then(|resolved_generic_item| {
                try_extract_matches!(resolved_generic_item, ResolvedGenericItem::GenericType)
        _ => GenericTypeId::option_from(module_item_id),
    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{name} is not a type."));


pub fn get_core_ty_by_name(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    name: SmolStr,
    generic_args: Vec<GenericArgumentId>,
) -> TypeId {
    try_get_core_ty_by_name(db, name, generic_args).unwrap()

pub fn core_bool_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TypeId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    // This should not fail if the corelib is present.
    let generic_type = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, "bool".into())
        .expect("Failed to load core lib.")
        .expect("Type bool was not found in core lib.");

// TODO(spapini): Consider making all these queries for better caching.
/// Generates a ConcreteEnumId instance for `bool`.
pub fn core_bool_enum(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ConcreteEnumId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    // This should not fail if the corelib is present.
    let enum_id = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, "bool".into())
        .expect("Failed to load core lib.")
        .expect("Type bool was not found in core lib.");
    db.intern_concrete_enum(ConcreteEnumLongId { enum_id, generic_args: vec![] })

/// Generates a ConcreteVariant instance for `false`.
pub fn false_variant(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ConcreteVariant {
    get_enum_concrete_variant(db, "bool", vec![], "False")

/// Generates a ConcreteVariant instance for `true`.
pub fn true_variant(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ConcreteVariant {
    get_enum_concrete_variant(db, "bool", vec![], "True")

/// Generates a ConcreteVariant instance for `JumpNzResult::<felt>::Zero`.
pub fn jump_nz_zero_variant(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ConcreteVariant {

/// Generates a ConcreteVariant instance for `JumpNzResult::<felt>::NonZero`.
pub fn jump_nz_nonzero_variant(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> ConcreteVariant {

/// Gets a semantic expression of the literal `false`. Uses the given `stable_ptr` in the returned
/// semantic expression.
pub fn false_literal_expr(
    ctx: &mut ComputationContext<'_>,
    stable_ptr: ast::ExprPtr,
) -> semantic::Expr {
    get_bool_variant_expr(ctx, "bool", "False", stable_ptr)

/// Gets a semantic expression of the literal `true`. Uses the given `stable_ptr` in the returned
/// semantic expression.
pub fn true_literal_expr(
    ctx: &mut ComputationContext<'_>,
    stable_ptr: ast::ExprPtr,
) -> semantic::Expr {
    get_bool_variant_expr(ctx, "bool", "True", stable_ptr)

/// Gets a semantic expression of the specified bool enum variant. Uses the given `stable_ptr` in
/// the returned semantic expression.
fn get_bool_variant_expr(
    ctx: &mut ComputationContext<'_>,
    enum_name: &str,
    variant_name: &str,
    stable_ptr: ast::ExprPtr,
) -> semantic::Expr {
    let concrete_variant = get_enum_concrete_variant(ctx.db, enum_name, vec![], variant_name);
    semantic::Expr::EnumVariantCtor(semantic::ExprEnumVariantCtor {
        variant: concrete_variant,
        value_expr: unit_expr(ctx, stable_ptr),
        ty: core_bool_ty(ctx.db),

/// Gets a [ConcreteVariant] instance for an enum variant, by name.
/// Assumes the variant exists.
pub fn get_enum_concrete_variant(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    enum_name: &str,
    generic_args: Vec<GenericArgumentId>,
    variant_name: &str,
) -> ConcreteVariant {
    let module_id = core_module(db);
    let enum_item = db.module_item_by_name(module_id, enum_name.into()).unwrap().unwrap();
    let enum_id = extract_matches!(enum_item, ModuleItemId::Enum);
    let concrete_enum_id = db.intern_concrete_enum(ConcreteEnumLongId { enum_id, generic_args });
    let variant_id = db.enum_variants(enum_id).unwrap()[variant_name];
    let variant = db.variant_semantic(enum_id, variant_id).unwrap();
    db.concrete_enum_variant(concrete_enum_id, &variant).unwrap()

/// Gets the unit type ().
pub fn unit_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TypeId {

/// Gets the never type ().
pub fn never_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TypeId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    // This should not fail if the corelib is present.
    let generic_type = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, "never".into())
        .expect("Failed to load core lib.")
        .expect("Type bool was not found in core lib.");

/// Attempts to unwrap error propagation types (Option, Result).
/// Returns None if not one of these types.
pub fn unwrap_error_propagation_type(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    ty: TypeId,
) -> Option<(ConcreteVariant, ConcreteVariant)> {
    match db.lookup_intern_type(ty) {
        // Only enums may be `Result` and `Option` types.
        TypeLongId::Concrete(semantic::ConcreteTypeId::Enum(enm)) => {
            let name = enm.enum_id(db.upcast()).name(db.upcast());
            if name == "Option" || name == "Result" {
                if let [ok_variant, err_variant] =
                    Some((ok_variant.clone(), err_variant.clone()))
                } else {
            } else {
        TypeLongId::GenericParameter(_) => todo!(
            "When generic types are supported, if type is of matching type, allow unwrapping it \
             to type."
            semantic::ConcreteTypeId::Struct(_) | semantic::ConcreteTypeId::Extern(_),
        | TypeLongId::Tuple(_)
        | TypeLongId::Var(_)
        | TypeLongId::Missing(_) => None,

/// builds a semantic unit expression. This is not necessarily located in the AST, so it is received
/// as a param.
pub fn unit_expr(ctx: &mut ComputationContext<'_>, stable_ptr: ast::ExprPtr) -> ExprId {
    ctx.exprs.alloc(Expr::Tuple(ExprTuple {
        items: Vec::new(),
        ty: ctx.db.intern_type(TypeLongId::Tuple(Vec::new())),

pub fn core_unary_operator(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    unary_op: &UnaryOperator,
    ty: TypeId,
) -> Result<FunctionId, SemanticDiagnosticKind> {
    let felt_ty = core_felt_ty(db);
    let bool_ty = core_bool_ty(db);
    let unsupported_operator =
        |op: &str| Err(SemanticDiagnosticKind::UnsupportedUnaryOperator { op: op.into(), ty });

    let function_name = match unary_op {
        UnaryOperator::Minus(_) if ty == felt_ty => "felt_neg",
        UnaryOperator::Minus(_) => return unsupported_operator("-"),

        UnaryOperator::Not(_) if ty == bool_ty => "bool_not",
        UnaryOperator::Not(_) => return unsupported_operator("!"),
    Ok(get_core_function_id(db, function_name.into(), vec![]))

pub fn core_binary_operator(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    inference: &mut Inference<'_>,
    binary_op: &BinaryOperator,
    stable_ptr: SyntaxStablePtrId,
) -> Maybe<Result<FunctionId, SemanticDiagnosticKind>> {
    let (trait_name, function_name) = match binary_op {
        BinaryOperator::Plus(_) => ("Add", "add"),
        BinaryOperator::Minus(_) => ("Sub", "sub"),
        BinaryOperator::Mul(_) => ("Mul", "mul"),
        BinaryOperator::Div(_) => ("Div", "div"),
        BinaryOperator::Mod(_) => ("Rem", "rem"),
        BinaryOperator::EqEq(_) => ("PartialEq", "eq"),
        BinaryOperator::Neq(_) => ("PartialEq", "ne"),
        BinaryOperator::LE(_) => ("PartialOrd", "le"),
        BinaryOperator::GE(_) => ("PartialOrd", "ge"),
        BinaryOperator::LT(_) => ("PartialOrd", "lt"),
        BinaryOperator::GT(_) => ("PartialOrd", "gt"),
        BinaryOperator::And(_) => ("BitAnd", "bitand"),
        BinaryOperator::Or(_) => ("BitOr", "bitor"),
        BinaryOperator::Xor(_) => ("BitXor", "bitxor"),
        _ => return Ok(Err(SemanticDiagnosticKind::UnknownBinaryOperator)),

pub fn felt_eq(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> FunctionId {
    get_core_function_impl_method(db, "FeltPartialEq".into(), "eq".into())

pub fn felt_sub(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> FunctionId {
    get_core_function_impl_method(db, "FeltSub".into(), "sub".into())

/// Given a core library impl name and a method name, returns [FunctionId].
fn get_core_function_impl_method(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    impl_name: SmolStr,
    method_name: SmolStr,
) -> FunctionId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    let module_item_id = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, impl_name.clone())
        .expect("Failed to load core lib.")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Impl '{impl_name}' was not found in core lib."));
    let impl_id = match module_item_id {
        ModuleItemId::Use(use_id) => {
            db.use_resolved_item(use_id).to_option().and_then(|resolved_generic_item| {
                try_extract_matches!(resolved_generic_item, ResolvedGenericItem::Impl)
        _ => ImplId::option_from(module_item_id),
    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{impl_name} is not an impl."));
    let function = db
        .and_then(|functions| functions.get(&method_name).cloned())
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no {method_name} in {impl_name}."));
    let concrete_impl =
        db.intern_concrete_impl(ConcreteImplLongId { impl_id, generic_args: vec![] });
    db.intern_function(FunctionLongId {
        function: ConcreteFunction {
            generic_function: GenericFunctionId::Impl(ConcreteImplGenericFunctionId {
            generic_args: vec![],

pub fn core_jump_nz_func(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> FunctionId {
    get_core_function_id(db, "felt_jump_nz".into(), vec![])

/// Given a core library function name and its generic arguments, returns [FunctionId].
pub fn get_core_function_id(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    name: SmolStr,
    generic_args: Vec<GenericArgumentId>,
) -> FunctionId {
    let generic_function = get_core_generic_function_id(db, name);

    db.intern_function(FunctionLongId {
        function: ConcreteFunction { generic_function, generic_args },

/// Given a core library function name, returns [GenericFunctionId].
pub fn get_core_generic_function_id(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, name: SmolStr) -> GenericFunctionId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    let module_item_id = db
        .module_item_by_name(core_module, name.clone())
        .expect("Failed to load core lib.")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Function '{name}' was not found in core lib."));
    match module_item_id {
        ModuleItemId::Use(use_id) => {
            db.use_resolved_item(use_id).to_option().and_then(|resolved_generic_item| {
                try_extract_matches!(resolved_generic_item, ResolvedGenericItem::GenericFunction)
        _ => GenericFunctionId::option_from(module_item_id),
    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{name} is not a function."))

pub fn concrete_copy_trait(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, ty: TypeId) -> ConcreteTraitId {
    get_core_concrete_trait(db, "Copy".into(), vec![GenericArgumentId::Type(ty)])

pub fn concrete_drop_trait(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, ty: TypeId) -> ConcreteTraitId {
    get_core_concrete_trait(db, "Drop".into(), vec![GenericArgumentId::Type(ty)])

pub fn copy_trait(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TraitId {
    get_core_trait(db, "Copy".into())

pub fn drop_trait(db: &dyn SemanticGroup) -> TraitId {
    get_core_trait(db, "Drop".into())

/// Given a core library trait name and its generic arguments, returns [ConcreteTraitId].
fn get_core_concrete_trait(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    name: SmolStr,
    generic_args: Vec<GenericArgumentId>,
) -> ConcreteTraitId {
    let trait_id = get_core_trait(db, name);
    db.intern_concrete_trait(semantic::ConcreteTraitLongId { trait_id, generic_args })

/// Given a core library trait name, returns [TraitId].
fn get_core_trait(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, name: SmolStr) -> TraitId {
    let core_module = db.core_module();
    // This should not fail if the corelib is present.
    let use_id = extract_matches!(
        db.module_item_by_name(core_module, name).unwrap().unwrap(),
    let trait_id =
        extract_matches!(db.use_resolved_item(use_id).unwrap(), ResolvedGenericItem::Trait);

/// Retrieves a trait function from the core library with type variables as generic arguments, to
/// be inferred later.
fn get_core_trait_function_infer(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    inference: &mut Inference<'_>,
    trait_name: SmolStr,
    function_name: SmolStr,
    stable_ptr: SyntaxStablePtrId,
) -> FunctionId {
    let trait_id = get_core_trait(db, trait_name);
    let generic_params = db.trait_generic_params(trait_id);
    let generic_args = generic_params
        .map(|_| GenericArgumentId::Type(inference.new_var(stable_ptr)))
    let concrete_trait_id =
        db.intern_concrete_trait(semantic::ConcreteTraitLongId { trait_id, generic_args });
    let trait_function = db.trait_function_by_name(trait_id, function_name).unwrap().unwrap();
    let concrete_trait_function = db.intern_concrete_trait_function(
        ConcreteTraitGenericFunctionLongId::new(db, concrete_trait_id, trait_function),
    db.intern_function(FunctionLongId {
        function: ConcreteFunction {
            generic_function: GenericFunctionId::Trait(concrete_trait_function),
            generic_args: vec![],

pub fn get_panic_ty(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, inner_ty: TypeId) -> TypeId {
    get_core_ty_by_name(db.upcast(), "PanicResult".into(), vec![GenericArgumentId::Type(inner_ty)])

/// Returns the name of the libfunc that creates a constant of type `ty`.
pub fn try_get_const_libfunc_name_by_type(
    db: &dyn SemanticGroup,
    ty: TypeId,
) -> Result<String, SemanticDiagnosticKind> {
    let felt_ty = core_felt_ty(db);
    let u128_ty = get_core_ty_by_name(db, "u128".into(), vec![]);
    let u8_ty = get_core_ty_by_name(db, "u8".into(), vec![]);
    let u64_ty = get_core_ty_by_name(db, "u64".into(), vec![]);
    if ty == felt_ty {
    } else if ty == u8_ty {
    } else if ty == u64_ty {
    } else if ty == u128_ty {
    } else {

pub fn get_const_libfunc_name_by_type(db: &dyn SemanticGroup, ty: TypeId) -> String {
    try_get_const_libfunc_name_by_type(db, ty).unwrap()