c-types 0.1.0

Re-exports of cross-platform types, gathered from libc and winapi
# rust-c-types #

Re-exports types defined in both `libc` and `winapi`, to reduce the amount of conditional compilation required in your code.  Stop having to write code like this:

use libc::some_type;

use winapi::some_type;

Instead, write code like this:
use c_types::some_type;

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## Documentation ##

API documentation is [here](http://dimbleby.github.io/rust-c-types).

## Installation ##

To use `c-types`, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

c-types = "*"

And add this to your crate root:

extern crate c_types;

## Contributing ##

This crate is non-exhaustive - I add types to it as and when I need them for my own projects.

If there's a type that could be included, but isn't, there should be no problem adding it.  Please open an issue or, even better, send a pull request.