c-ares 7.6.0

A Rust wrapper for the c-ares library, for asynchronous DNS requests.
use bitflags::bitflags;
    /// Flags that may be passed when initializing a `Channel`.
    pub struct Flags: i32 {
        /// Always use TCP queries (the "virtual circuit") instead of UDP queries.  Normally, TCP
        /// is only used if a UDP query yields a truncated result.
        const USEVC = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_USEVC;

        /// Only query the first server in the list of servers to query.
        const PRIMARY = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_PRIMARY;

        /// If a truncated response to a UDP query is received, do not fall back to TCP; simply
        /// continue on with the truncated response.
        const IGNTC = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_IGNTC;

        /// Do not set the "recursion desired" bit on outgoing queries, so that the name server
        /// being contacted will not try to fetch the answer from other servers if it doesn't know
        /// the answer locally.
        const NORECURSE = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_NORECURSE;

        /// Do not close communications sockets when the number of active queries drops to zero.
        const STAYOPEN = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_STAYOPEN;

        /// Do not use the default search domains; only query hostnames as-is or as aliases.
        const NOSEARCH = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_NOSEARCH;

        /// Do not honor the HOSTALIASES environment variable, which normally specifies a file of
        /// hostname translations.
        const NOALIASES = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_NOALIASES;

        /// Do not discard responses with the SERVFAIL, NOTIMP, or REFUSED response code or
        /// responses whose questions don't match the questions in the request. Primarily useful
        /// for writing clients which might be used to test or debug name servers.
        const NOCHECKRESP = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_NOCHECKRESP;

        /// Use Extension Mechanisms for DNS.
        const EDNS = c_ares_sys::ARES_FLAG_EDNS;