bytecount 0.1.1

count occurrences of a byte in a byte slice, fast
# bytecount

Counting bytes really fast

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[![License: Apache 2.0/MIT](](#License)

This uses the "hyperscreamingcount" algorithm by Joshua Landau to count bytes
faster than anything else. The [newlinebench](/llogiq/newlinebench) repository
has further benchmarks.

To use bytecount in your crate, if you have
[cargo-edit](/killercup/cargo-edit), just type `cargo add bytecount` in a
terminal with the crate root as the current path. Otherwise you can manually
edit your `Cargo.toml` to add `bytecount = 0.0.1` to your `[dependencies]`

In your crate root (`` or ``, depending on if you are writing a
library or application), add `extern crate bytecount;`. Now you can simply use
`bytecount::count` as follows:

extern crate bytecount;

fn main() {
    let mytext = "some potentially large text, perhaps read from disk?";
    let spaces = bytecount::count(mytext.as_bytes(), b' ');