bytecount 0.1.1

count occurrences of a byte in a byte slice, fast


Counting bytes really fast

Build Status Current Version License: Apache 2.0/MIT

This uses the "hyperscreamingcount" algorithm by Joshua Landau to count bytes faster than anything else. The newlinebench repository has further benchmarks.

To use bytecount in your crate, if you have cargo-edit, just type cargo add bytecount in a terminal with the crate root as the current path. Otherwise you can manually edit your Cargo.toml to add bytecount = 0.0.1 to your [dependencies] section.

In your crate root ( or, depending on if you are writing a library or application), add extern crate bytecount;. Now you can simply use bytecount::count as follows:

extern crate bytecount;

fn main() {
    let mytext = "some potentially large text, perhaps read from disk?";
    let spaces = bytecount::count(mytext.as_bytes(), b' ');