byte-sequence 0.2.2

A little marco that creates structs to be used as byte sequences (for ApiKeys, SessionIds and so on)

Byte Sequences

This crate provides some utility to create byte sequences like ApiKeys or SessionIds. It contains a macro that lets you specify the name and length in bytes of the sequence. The macro than creates a struct that has following methods

fn generate_new() -> Self

fn to_string() -> String

fn check(key: &str) -> std::result::Result<Self, failure::Error>;

It also implements Display, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy and Hash;

Complete example:

extern crate byte_sequence;
extern crate rand;
use serde;
use std;
use byte_sequence::Checkable;

byte_seq!(ApiKey; 32);

fn example() {
    // Creates a new ApiKey containing 32 random bytes using a thread_rng
    let key = ApiKey::generate_new();

    // The to_string method creates a hex encoded string:
    // i.e. 'BBC47F308F3D02C3C6C3D6C9555296A64407FE72AD92DE8C7344D610CFFABF67'
    assert_eq!(key.to_string().len(), 64);

    // you can also do it the other way around: Parse a string into an ApiKey
    let key = ApiKey::check("BBC47F308F3D02C3C6C3D6C9555296A64407FE72AD92DE8C7344D610CFFABF67").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(key.to_string(), "BBC47F308F3D02C3C6C3D6C9555296A64407FE72AD92DE8C7344D610CFFABF67");

You can also extend the generated structs. For example add a public part of the ApiKey:

impl ApiKey {
    pub fn public_part(&self) -> PublicApiKey {
        let mut pub_data = [0u8; 8];