brr 0.0.1

Use a cloud build farm to make rust builds fast.
brr-0.0.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: brr-0.0.21


A dead-simple, ultra-fast build farm


Brr is the Buildrecall CLI. If you're not familiar with Buildrecall, we make your builds run really fast.


  • Use up to 96 CPU cores.
  • Starts your build incrementally while you're programming.
  • Use your existing CI, just replaces your build step.


cargo install brr


Login to Buildrecall with a bash-history safe token you can get here.

brr login <token>

Attach a build farm to a repository on yo ur local development environment.

# ./my-rust-project
brr attach

In your CI (such as Github Actions), add a BUILDRECALL_API_KEY environment variable (you can get a key here, and then replace your build step with brr pull:

# This replaces your 'cargo build' step in CI
brr pull