broot 1.6.2

A new file manager
//! Definitions of custom errors used in broot

use {

custom_error! {pub ProgramError
    Io {source: io::Error} = "IO Error : {:?}",
    Termimad {source: termimad::Error} = "Termimad Error : {:?}",
    Conf {source: ConfError} = "Bad configuration: {}",
    ConfFile {path:String, details: ConfError} = "Bad configuration file {:?} : {}",
    ArgParse {bad: String, valid: String} = "{:?} can't be parsed (valid values: {:?})",
    UnknownVerb {name: String} = "No verb matches {:?}",
    AmbiguousVerbName {name: String} = "Ambiguous name: More than one verb matches {:?}",
    UnmatchingVerbArgs {name: String} = "No matching argument found for verb {:?}",
    TreeBuild {source: TreeBuildError} = "{}",
    LaunchError {program: String, source: io::Error} = "Unable to launch {program}: {source}",
    UnknowShell {shell: String} = "Unknown shell: {shell}",
    InternalError {details: String} = "Internal error: {details}", // should not happen
    TerminalTooSmallError = "Terminal too small", // unable to open panel or app
    InvalidGlobError {pattern: String} = "Invalid glob: {pattern}",
    Unrecognized {token: String} = "Unrecognized: {token}",
    NetError {source: NetError} = "{}",
    ImageError {source: ImageError } = "{}",
    Lfs {details: String} = "Failed to fetch mounts: {}",
    ZeroLenFile = "File seems empty",
    UnmappableFile = "File can't be mapped",

custom_error! {pub TreeBuildError
    NotADirectory { path: String } = "Not a directory: {}",
    FileNotFound { path: String } = "File not found: {}",

custom_error! {pub ConfError
    Io {source: io::Error}                          = "unable to read from the file: {}",
    UnknownFileExtension { path: String}            = "unexpected file extension in {:?}",
    Toml {source: toml::de::Error}                  = "unable to parse TOML: {}",
    Hjson {source: deser_hjson::Error}              = "unable to parse Hjson: {}",
    Invalid                                         = "unexpected conf structure", // not expected
    MissingField {txt: String}                      = "missing field in conf",
    InvalidVerbInvocation {invocation: String}      = "invalid verb invocation: {}",
    InvalidVerbConf {details: String}               = "invalid verb conf: {}",
    UnknownInternal {verb: String}                  = "not a known internal: {}",
    InvalidSearchMode {details: String}             = "invalid search mode: {}",
    InvalidKey {raw: String}                        = "not a valid key: {}",
    ReservedKey {key: String}                       = "reserved key: {}",
    UnexpectedInternalArg {invocation: String}      = "unexpected argument for internal: {}",
    InvalidCols {details: String}                   = "invalid cols definition: {}",
    InvalidSkin {source: InvalidSkinError}          = "invalid skin: {}",
    InvalidThreadsCount { count: usize }            = "invalid threads count: {}",

// error which can be raised when parsing a pattern the user typed
custom_error! {pub PatternError
    InvalidMode { mode: String } = "Invalid search mode: {:?}",
    InvalidRegex {source: regex::Error} = @{
        format!("Invalid Regular Expression: {}", source.to_string().lines().last().unwrap_or(""))
    UnknownRegexFlag {bad: char} = "Unknown regular expression flag: {:?}",

custom_error! {pub InvalidSkinError
    InvalidColor { raw : String }  = "'{}' is not a valid color",
    InvalidAttribute { raw : String }  = "'{}' is not a valid style attribute",
    InvalidGreyLevel { level: u8 } = "grey level must be between 0 and 23 (got {})",
    InvalidStyle {style: String}   = "Invalid skin style : {}",

custom_error! {pub NetError
    SocketNotAvailable { path : String } = "Can't open socket: {} already exists - consider removing it",
    Io {source: io::Error}               = "error on the socket: {}",
    InvalidMessage                       = "invalid message received",