broot 1.0.5

A new file manager
use {
    criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion},

static PATTERNS: &[&str] = &["réveil", "AB", "e", "brt"];
// this list contains 100 names, which makes it easier to estimate the duration
// of a pattern matching per file name.
static NAMES: &[&str] = &[
    " brr ooT",
    " tetsesstteststt ",
    "a rbrroot",
    "test again",
    "des réveils",
    "a quite longuer name",
    "compliqué - 这个大象有多重",
    "another name.jpeg",
    "a ab abba aab",
    "palimpsestes désordonnés",
    "ùmeé9$njfbaù rz&é",
    " un réveil",
    "BABABC B AB",
    "mjrzemrjzm mrjz mrzr rb root",
    "bar ro ot",
    "& aé &a é",
    "mjrfzm e",
    "le dragon",
    "la tortue géante",
    "le chamois",
    "un petit peu n'importe quoi",
    " broot",
    " broot ",
    "La Grande Roulette",
    "this list is",
    "very obviously",
    "tailored at stressing",
    "the engine",
    "and the reader",
    "are just missing from this codebase",

fn score_of_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    assert_eq!(NAMES.len(), 100);
    for pattern in PATTERNS {
        let task = format!("FuzzyPattern({:?})::score_of", pattern);
        c.bench_function(&task, |b| {
            let fp = FuzzyPattern::from(pattern);
            b.iter(|| {
                for name in NAMES {
        let task = format!("FuzzyPattern({:?})::find", pattern);
        c.bench_function(&task, |b| {
            let fp = FuzzyPattern::from(pattern);
            b.iter(|| {
                for name in NAMES {

criterion_group!(benches, score_of_benchmark);