brood 0.5.0

A fast and flexible entity component system library.
//! A fast and flexible [entity component system]( library.
//! # Design
//! `brood` is built using heterogeneous lists of arbitrary length. This is achieved in Rust using
//! nested tuples to create lists of components of any length. This allows entities to be made up
//! of any number of components, removing component size limitations that would normally occur with
//! regular tuples.
//! The heterogeneous lists used in this library can easily be defined using declarative macros.
//! # Key Features
//! - Entities made up of an arbitrary number of components.
//! - Built-in support for [`serde`](, providing pain-free
//!   serialization and deserialization of `World` containers.
//! - Inner- and outer-parallelism using [`rayon`](
//! - Minimal boilerplate.
//! - `no_std` compatible.
//! # Basic Usage
//! To create a [`World`] to store entities, first define a [`Registry`] type containing the
//! components you want to store. Only components contained in the `Registry` can be stored in a
//! `World`.
//! ``` rust
//! use brood::Registry;
//! struct Position {
//!     x: f32,
//!     y: f32,
//! }
//! struct Velocity {
//!     x: f32,
//!     y: f32,
//! }
//! type Registry = Registry!(Position, Velocity);
//! ```
//! You must define a separate component (meaning a new `struct` or `enum`) for each component you
//! want to store. The [newtype
//! pattern]( is useful to store
//! multiple components using the same underlying type.
//! To create a `World`, provide the `Registry` at construction. Entities made up of any set of
//! components within the `Registry` can then be inserted into the `World`.
//! ``` rust
//! # use brood::Registry;
//! #
//! # struct Position {
//! #     x: f32,
//! #     y: f32,
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Velocity {
//! #     x: f32,
//! #     y: f32,
//! # }
//! #
//! # type Registry = Registry!(Position, Velocity);
//! #
//! use brood::{
//!     entity,
//!     World,
//! };
//! let mut world = World::<Registry>::new();
//! // Insert entity with both position and velocity.
//! world.insert(entity!(
//!     Position { x: 1.5, y: 2.5 },
//!     Velocity { x: 0.0, y: 1.0 }
//! ));
//! // Insert entity with just position.
//! world.insert(entity!(Position { x: 1.5, y: 2.5 }));
//! ```
//! The entities in the `World` can now be manipulated using queries or systems. See the
//! documentation in the [`query`] and [`system`] modules for examples of this.
//! # Feature Flags
//! The following features are provided by this crate and can be enabled by [adding the feature
//! flag]( to your
//! `Cargo.toml`.
//! ## serde
//! Enabling the feature flag `serde` allows [`World`]s to be serializable and deserializable using
//! the [`serde`]( library, assuming all components in the `World`'s
//! [`Registry`] are also serializable and deserialzable.
//! ## rayon
//! Enabling the feature flag `rayon` allows for parallel operations on components.
//! # `#[no_std]` Support
//! `brood` can be used in `no_std` contexts where
//! [`alloc`]( is available.
//! [`Registry`]: crate::registry::Registry

#![cfg_attr(doc_cfg, feature(doc_cfg, decl_macro))]
    // This is at odds with some of the naming schemes used to make the public docs easier.

    // This is more trouble than it's worth. Creating an alias is more confusing than just letting
    // rustfmt format the type definition nicely.

extern crate alloc;

pub mod component;
pub mod entities;
pub mod entity;
pub mod query;
pub mod registry;
pub mod system;
pub mod world;

pub mod reexports;

mod archetype;
mod archetypes;
mod doc;
mod hlist;
mod r#macro;

pub use query::Query;
pub use world::World;