Crate brood

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A fast and flexible entity component system library.


brood is built using heterogeneous lists of arbitrary length. This is achieved in Rust using nested tuples to create lists of components of any length. This allows entities to be made up of any number of components, removing component size limitations that would normally occur with regular tuples.

The heterogeneous lists used in this library can easily be defined using declarative macros.

Key Features

  • Entities made up of an arbitrary number of components.
  • Built-in support for serde, providing pain-free serialization and deserialization of World containers.
  • Inner- and outer-parallelism using rayon.
  • Minimal boilerplate.
  • no_std compatible.

Basic Usage

To create a World to store entities, first define a Registry type containing the components you want to store. Only components contained in the Registry can be stored in a World.

use brood::Registry;

struct Position {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

struct Velocity {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

type Registry = Registry!(Position, Velocity);

You must define a separate component (meaning a new struct or enum) for each component you want to store. The newtype pattern is useful to store multiple components using the same underlying type.

To create a World, provide the Registry at construction. Entities made up of any set of components within the Registry can then be inserted into the World.

use brood::{

let mut world = World::<Registry>::new();

// Insert entity with both position and velocity.
    Position { x: 1.5, y: 2.5 },
    Velocity { x: 0.0, y: 1.0 }
// Insert entity with just position.
world.insert(entity!(Position { x: 1.5, y: 2.5 }));

The entities in the World can now be manipulated using queries or systems. See the documentation in the query and system modules for examples of this.

Feature Flags

The following features are provided by this crate and can be enabled by adding the feature flag to your Cargo.toml.


Enabling the feature flag serde allows Worlds to be serializable and deserializable using the serde library, assuming all components in the World’s Registry are also serializable and deserialzable.


Enabling the feature flag rayon allows for parallel operations on components.

#[no_std] Support

brood can be used in no_std contexts where alloc is available.


Types defining a single aspect of an entity.
A heterogeneous list of batches of Components stored within a World.
A heterogeneous list of Components stored within a World.
Queries over Worlds.
A heterogeneous list of registered Components.
Executable types which operate over entities within a World.
A container of entities.


Defines the type of an entity containing the provided components.
Creates a registry from the provided components.
Creates a batch of entities made from the same components.
Creates an entity from the provided components.


Defines a query to be run over a world.
A container of entities.