broccoli 1.0.0

broadphase collision detection algorithms


Broccoli is a broad-phase collision detection library.

The base data structure is a hybrid between a KD Tree and Sweep and Prune.

Checkout it out on github and on

Inner projects

The demo inner project is meant to show case the use of these algorithms. The report inner project generates benches used in the broccoli book.


Screen capture from the inner demo project.


If you shorten "broad-phase collision" to "broad colli" and say it fast, it sounds like broccoli. Broccoli also have tree like properties and broccoli uses a tree data structure.


use broccoli::{bbox, prelude::*, rect};
fn main() {
    let mut inner1 = 0;
    let mut inner2 = 0;
    let mut inner3 = 0;

    //Rect is stored directly in tree,
    //but inner is not.
    let mut aabbs = [
        bbox(rect(0isize, 10, 0, 10), &mut inner1),
        bbox(rect(15, 20, 15, 20), &mut inner2),
        bbox(rect(5, 15, 5, 15), &mut inner3),

    //This will change the order of the elements
    //in bboxes,but this is okay since we
    //populated it with mutable references.
    let mut tree = broccoli::new(&mut aabbs);

    //Find all colliding aabbs.
    tree.find_colliding_pairs_mut(|a, b| {
        **a.unpack_inner() += 1;
        **b.unpack_inner() += 1;

    assert_eq!(inner1, 1);
    assert_eq!(inner2, 0);
    assert_eq!(inner3, 1);