breadthread 0.1.3

GUI abstraction; adds a thread controller that helps get some bread


Build Status

The APIs of most system-specific GUI frameworks operate on the following principles:

  • Primitives are represented by pointers to system objects that are not thread safe.
  • The framework requires running an event loop on this thread.

breadthread aims to create a way to not only abstract over this kind of framework, but also allow it to be thread safe.

breadthread provides the BreadThread object, which is the thread where the bread is acquired. An object implementing the Controller trait is used to build the BreadThread object, which dictates how it operates. BreadThread proper is not !Send; however, it can be used to create ThreadHandle objects that are.

The Controller object defines a Directive type that is used to tell the BreadThread what to do, as well as how running the event handler should work. The BreadThread also creates a "directive thread" dedicated to receiving directives from other threads.


MIT/Apache2 License