bounded-integer-plugin 0.1.1

Bounded integers compiler plugin failed to build bounded-integer-plugin-0.1.1
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Provides the procedural macro bounded_integer! for generating enums for the bounded-integer crate.


The syntax parsed by bounded_integer! is roughly equivalent to the following macro_rules!-like matcher.

$(pub)? enum $name:ident: $repr:ident { $min:expr...$max:expr }

Which expands to the following:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
$(pub)? enum $name { ... }
bounded_integer_impls!($name, $repr, ..., ...);

Where ... are variants of the form ...N1, Z0, P1....

Note that the bounded_integer_impls! macro is provided by the bounded-integer crate.