bonsaidb 0.1.0

A programmable, ACID-compliant, document-database inspired by CouchDB.
BonsaiDb is a developer-friendly document database for [Rust]( that grows with you. Visit []( to learn more about the features of BonsaiDb.

![BonsaiDb is considered alpha](
[![crate version](](
[![Live Build Status](](
[![HTML Coverage Report for `v0.1.0`](](
[![Documentation for `v0.1.0`](](

## ⚠️ Status of this project

BonsaiDb is considered alpha software. It is under active development (![GitHub commit activity]( There may still be bugs that result in data loss. All users should regularly back up their data and test that restoring from backup works correctly.

## Example

To get an idea of how it works, this is a simple schema:

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Shape {
    pub sides: u32,

impl Collection for Shape {
    fn collection_name() -> CollectionName {
        CollectionName::new("khonsulabs", "shapes")

    fn define_views(schema: &mut Schematic) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl DefaultSerialization for Shape {}

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ShapesByNumberOfSides;

impl View for ShapesByNumberOfSides {
    type Collection = Shape;
    type Key = u32;
    type Value = usize;

    fn name(&self) -> Name {

impl CollectionViewSchema for ShapesByNumberOfSides {
    type View = Self;

    fn map(&self, document: CollectionDocument<Shape>) -> ViewMapResult<Self::View> {
        Ok(document.emit_key_and_value(document.contents.sides, 1))

    fn reduce(
        mappings: &[ViewMappedValue<Self>],
        _rereduce: bool,
    ) -> ReduceResult<Self::View> {
        Ok(mappings.iter().map(|m| m.value).sum())

impl DefaultViewSerialization for ShapesByNumberOfSides {}

After you have your collection(s) defined, you can open up a database and insert documents:

let db = Database::open::<Shape>(StorageConfiguration::new("view-examples.bonsaidb")).await?;

// Insert a new document into the Shape collection.

And query data using the Map-Reduce-powered view:

let triangles = db
println!("Number of triangles: {}", triangles.len());

See the [examples README]( for a list of all available examples.

## Feature Flags

No feature flags are enabled by default in the `bonsaidb` crate. This is
because in most Rust executables, you will only need a subset of the
functionality. If you'd prefer to enable everything, you can use the `full`

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "full" }

- `full`: Enables `local-full`, `server-full`, and `client-full`.
- `cli`: Enables the `bonsaidb` executable.
- `password-hashing`: Enables the ability to use password authentication using
  Argon2 via `AnyConnection`.

### Local databases only

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "local-full" }

- `local-full`: Enables all the flags below
- `local`: Enables the [`local`] module, which re-exports the crate
- `local-cli`: Enables the `StructOpt` structures for embedding database
  management commands into your own command-line interface.
- `local-encryption`: Enables at-rest encryption.
- `local-instrument`: Enables instrumenting with `tracing`.
- `local-multiuser`: Enables multi-user support.
- `local-password-hashing`: Enables the ability to use password authentication
  using Argon2.

### `BonsaiDb` server

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "server-full" }

- `server-full`: Enables all the flags below,
- `server`: Enables the [`server`] module, which re-exports the crate
- `server-acme`: Enables automtic certificate acquisition through ACME/LetsEncrypt.
- `server-cli`: Enables the `cli` module.
- `server-encryption`: Enables at-rest encryption.
- `server-hyper`: Enables convenience functions for upgrading websockets using `hyper`.
- `server-instrument`: Enables instrumenting with `tracing`.
- `server-pem`: Enables the ability to install a certificate using the PEM format.
- `server-websockets`: Enables `WebSocket` support.
- `server-password-hashing`: Enables the ability to use password authentication
  using Argon2.

### Client for accessing a `BonsaiDb` server

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "client-full" }

- `client-full`: Enables `client`, `client-trusted-dns` and `client-websockets`
- `client`: Enables the [`client`] module, which re-exports the crate
- `client-trusted-dns`: Enables using trust-dns for DNS resolution. If not
  enabled, all DNS resolution is done with the OS's default name resolver.
- `client-websockets`: Enables `WebSocket` support for `bonsaidb-client`.
- `client-password-hashing`: Enables the ability to use password authentication
  using Argon2.

## Developing BonsaiDb

### Pre-commit hook

Our CI processes require that some commands succeed without warnings or errors. These checks can be performed manually by running:

cargo xtask test --fail-on-warnings

Or, if you would like to run all these checks before each commit, you can install the check as a pre-commit hook:

cargo xtask install-pre-commit-hook

## Open-source Licenses

This project, like all projects from [Khonsu Labs](, are
open-source. This repository is available under the [MIT License](./LICENSE-MIT)
or the [Apache License 2.0](./LICENSE-APACHE).

To learn more about contributing, please see [](./