bonsaidb 0.1.0

A programmable, ACID-compliant, document-database inspired by CouchDB.


BonsaiDb is a developer-friendly document database for Rust that grows with you. Visit to learn more about the features of BonsaiDb.

BonsaiDb is considered alpha crate version Live Build Status HTML Coverage Report for v0.1.0 Documentation for v0.1.0

⚠️ Status of this project

BonsaiDb is considered alpha software. It is under active development (GitHub commit activity). There may still be bugs that result in data loss. All users should regularly back up their data and test that restoring from backup works correctly.


To get an idea of how it works, this is a simple schema:

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Shape {
    pub sides: u32,

impl Collection for Shape {
    fn collection_name() -> CollectionName {
        CollectionName::new("khonsulabs", "shapes")

    fn define_views(schema: &mut Schematic) -> Result<(), Error> {

impl DefaultSerialization for Shape {}

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ShapesByNumberOfSides;

impl View for ShapesByNumberOfSides {
    type Collection = Shape;
    type Key = u32;
    type Value = usize;

    fn name(&self) -> Name {

impl CollectionViewSchema for ShapesByNumberOfSides {
    type View = Self;

    fn map(&self, document: CollectionDocument<Shape>) -> ViewMapResult<Self::View> {
        Ok(document.emit_key_and_value(document.contents.sides, 1))

    fn reduce(
        mappings: &[ViewMappedValue<Self>],
        _rereduce: bool,
    ) -> ReduceResult<Self::View> {
        Ok(mappings.iter().map(|m| m.value).sum())

impl DefaultViewSerialization for ShapesByNumberOfSides {}

After you have your collection(s) defined, you can open up a database and insert documents:

let db = Database::open::<Shape>(StorageConfiguration::new("view-examples.bonsaidb")).await?;

// Insert a new document into the Shape collection.

And query data using the Map-Reduce-powered view:

let triangles = db
println!("Number of triangles: {}", triangles.len());

See the examples README for a list of all available examples.

Feature Flags

No feature flags are enabled by default in the bonsaidb crate. This is because in most Rust executables, you will only need a subset of the functionality. If you'd prefer to enable everything, you can use the full feature:

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "full" }
  • full: Enables local-full, server-full, and client-full.
  • cli: Enables the bonsaidb executable.
  • password-hashing: Enables the ability to use password authentication using Argon2 via AnyConnection.

Local databases only

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "local-full" }
  • local-full: Enables all the flags below
  • local: Enables the local module, which re-exports the crate bonsaidb-local.
  • local-cli: Enables the StructOpt structures for embedding database management commands into your own command-line interface.
  • local-encryption: Enables at-rest encryption.
  • local-instrument: Enables instrumenting with tracing.
  • local-multiuser: Enables multi-user support.
  • local-password-hashing: Enables the ability to use password authentication using Argon2.

BonsaiDb server

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "server-full" }
  • server-full: Enables all the flags below,
  • server: Enables the server module, which re-exports the crate bonsaidb-server.
  • server-acme: Enables automtic certificate acquisition through ACME/LetsEncrypt.
  • server-cli: Enables the cli module.
  • server-encryption: Enables at-rest encryption.
  • server-hyper: Enables convenience functions for upgrading websockets using hyper.
  • server-instrument: Enables instrumenting with tracing.
  • server-pem: Enables the ability to install a certificate using the PEM format.
  • server-websockets: Enables WebSocket support.
  • server-password-hashing: Enables the ability to use password authentication using Argon2.

Client for accessing a BonsaiDb server

bonsaidb = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = "client-full" }
  • client-full: Enables client, client-trusted-dns and client-websockets
  • client: Enables the client module, which re-exports the crate bonsaidb-client.
  • client-trusted-dns: Enables using trust-dns for DNS resolution. If not enabled, all DNS resolution is done with the OS's default name resolver.
  • client-websockets: Enables WebSocket support for bonsaidb-client.
  • client-password-hashing: Enables the ability to use password authentication using Argon2.

Developing BonsaiDb

Pre-commit hook

Our CI processes require that some commands succeed without warnings or errors. These checks can be performed manually by running:

cargo xtask test --fail-on-warnings

Or, if you would like to run all these checks before each commit, you can install the check as a pre-commit hook:

cargo xtask install-pre-commit-hook

Open-source Licenses

This project, like all projects from Khonsu Labs, are open-source. This repository is available under the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0.

To learn more about contributing, please see