bonnie 0.3.2

Simple, cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers.
version = "0.3.1"

build = "cargo build"
test = "cargo watch -x \"test\""
dev = "cargo watch -x \"run\"" # Run `cargo install cargo-watch` to add Cargo Watch for this
check = "cargo check && cargo fmt -- --check && cargo clippy && cargo test" # This will be run on CI as well

# Updates the version in all README examples
update-readme-version.cmd = "sed -i 's/version = \"%old_version\"/version = \"%new_version\"/g'"
update-readme-version.args = [ "old_version", "new_version" ]

# Releases the project (maintainers only)
# We commit all staged files so we can manually bump the Cargo version
release = "standard-version --sign --commit-all && git push --follow-tags %% origin main"
# Publishes the binary to
publish = "cargo publish %%"