bonnie 0.3.2

Simple, cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [0.3.2] (2021-09-05)

### Features

* ✨ added debug mode ([8891815], closes [#24]
* ✨ added self-documenting ability ([00417fd]
* **init:** ✨ allowed creating new config at custom path ([a81345b]
* ✨ added support for default template ([#21] ([7c3eec6]

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 fixed a few things from [#21] and cleaned up code ([dd4e273]

### Code Refactorings

* ♻️ removed unnecessary borrows ([f12c60e]

### Documentation Changes

* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([c4bd3cb]

### [0.3.2] (2021-09-05)

### Features

* ✨ added debug mode ([8891815], closes [#24]
* ✨ added self-documenting ability ([00417fd]
* **init:** ✨ allowed creating new config at custom path ([a81345b]
* ✨ added support for default template ([#21] ([7c3eec6]

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 fixed a few things from [#21] and cleaned up code ([dd4e273]

### Code Refactorings

* ♻️ removed unnecessary borrows ([f12c60e]

### Documentation Changes

* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([c4bd3cb]

### [0.3.2] (2021-09-05)

### Features

* ✨ added debug mode ([8891815], closes [#24]
* ✨ added self-documenting ability ([00417fd]
* **init:** ✨ allowed creating new config at custom path ([a81345b]
* ✨ added support for default template ([#21] ([7c3eec6]

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 fixed a few things from [#21] and cleaned up code ([dd4e273]

### Code Refactorings

* ♻️ removed unnecessary borrows ([f12c60e]

### Documentation Changes

* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([c4bd3cb]

### [0.3.1] (2021-07-09)

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 added custom delimiter support in shells and made default behaviour logical ([dd348ba], closes [#17]

### Documentation Changes

* **wiki:** 📝 updated docs ([d910397]
* **wiki:** 📝 updated new issue link for templates ([1507fb7]
* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([66be949]
* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([f348de4]
* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([a159aeb]
* **wiki:** 📝 updated wiki ([2c6cc8d]
* 📝 wrote the first iteration of the wiki ([be5f16c]

## [0.3.0] (2021-07-07)


* changed default shell on Windows to `powershell`
* new invocation using flags for help/init/version commands
* significant error message changes

### Features

* ✨ added caching logic ([c9c4c4d], closes [#14]
* ✨ added multistage commands, subcommands, shell/target control, and rewrote everything ([41209a3], closes [#4] [#11] [#12]
* ✨ added new help/init/version commands ([8a8cb9c]
* ✨ added support for custom cache file ([76fee05]
* ✨ changed default shell on windows to powershell ([bdd2c67], closes [#15]

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 fixed `%%` escaping ([7cd9810]
* 🐛 fixed bones intersection operator ([49cabaf]
* 🐛 fixed bones parsing regex to allow variable initial whitespace ([fa5573f]
* 🐛 fixed vector ordering in schema ([200b3db]
* 🐛 removed false positive warning for too many arguments ([b193e19]

### Code Refactorings

* ♻️ added ability to print warnings/info to buffer for testing ([910755d]
* ♻️ cleaned up imports ([3a40616]
* ♻️ removed unnecessary warning output extraction in argument interpolation ([be51340]

### Documentation Changes

* 📝 added new help page ([cbbc806]
* 📝 added specification for experimental syntax ([7022670]
* 📝 added wiki submodule ([ce16314]
* 📝 updated readme and wiki ([fbaac99]

### [0.2.1] (2021-07-02)

### Bug Fixes

* ✅ fixed tests dependent on specific version ([490e1ff]
* 🐛 fixed exit code mismanagement ([061b1c3], closes [#13]

## [0.2.0] (2021-06-29)


* mandated `version` key

### Features

* ✨ added musl install script ([9c8ecac]
* ✨ added versioning system ([fbc4bc1]

### Bug Fixes

* 🚑 fixed incorrect version parse ordering ([8871dd6]
* **install_scripts:** 🐛 fixed musl install script ([3f56f68]

### Documentation Changes

* 📝 added gitter badge to readme ([#10] ([b4aea0f]
* 📝 updated help page for version system ([dcfd598]
* 📝 updated readme for version system ([4a29232]
* 📝 updated readme with Docker installation info ([1eaf1bf]

### [0.1.3] (2021-06-26)

### [0.1.2] (2021-06-25)

### Features

* ✨ added environment variable interpolation ([1af7f59]

### Bug Fixes

* 🚑 removed requriement for `env_files` key in config ([b1379e6]

### Code Refactorings

* 🔥 removed unnecessary `remove` function in command registry ([1d3cf1f]

### Documentation Changes

* 📝 updated help page ([aeed110]
* 📝 updated readme ([9ba1bcc]

### [0.1.1] (2021-05-02)

### Features

* 📝 added help page ([#1] ([3a1a47d]

### Documentation Changes

* 📝 added code of conduct ([7ca3efc]
* 📝 added contributing guidelines ([38cb941]
* 📝 added readme badges ([1391255]
* 📝 updated readme for releases page ([cb2c9fd]