bodyfile 0.1.4

Parser and Generator for the famous mactime bodyfile format

//! Quote from <>:
//! > The body file is an intermediate file when creating a timeline of file
//! > activity. It is a pipe ("|") delimited text file that contains one line
//! > for each file (or other even type, such as a log or registry key). The
//! > fls, ils, and mac-robber tools all output this data format. The mactime
//! > tool reads this file and sorts the contents (therefore the format is
//! > sometimes referred to as the "mactime format").
//! >
//! > The body file format in TSK 3.0+ is different from the format used in TSK
//! > 1.X and 2.X.
//! >
//! > The 3.X output has the following fields:
//! >
//! > ```ignore,no_run
//! > MD5|name|inode|mode_as_string|UID|GID|size|atime|mtime|ctime|crtime
//! > ```
//! >
//! > The times are reported in UNIX time format. Lines that start with '#' are
//! > ignored and treated as comments. In mactime, many of theses fields are
//! > optional. Its only requirement is that at least one of the time values is
//! > non-zero. The non-time values are simply printed as is. Other tools that
//! > read this file format may have different requirements.
//! This crate implements generation and parsing of bodyfile lines
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use bodyfile::Bodyfile3Line;
//! use std::convert::TryFrom;
//! let str_line = "0|/Users/Administrator ($FILE_NAME)|93552-48-2|d/drwxrwxrwx|0|0|92|1577092511|1577092511|1577092511|-1";
//! let bf_line = Bodyfile3Line::try_from(str_line).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(str_line, bf_line.to_string());
//! ```
//! # Handling of pipes
//! Normally, a filename should not contain a pipe symbol (|), but if 
//! [bodyfile] is being used together with other sources, this may happen. So we 
//! need to be able to handle this also:
//! ```
//! use bodyfile::Bodyfile3Line;
//! use std::convert::TryFrom;
//! let str_line = "0|command was ls -l | wc |93552-48-2|d/drwxrwxrwx|0|0|92|1577092511|1577092511|1577092511|-1";
//! let bf_line = Bodyfile3Line::try_from(str_line).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(str_line, bf_line.to_string());
//! ```
pub mod bodyfile3;
pub use bodyfile3::*;

mod tests {
    use super::Bodyfile3Line;

    fn sample1() {
        let bf = Bodyfile3Line::new();
        assert_eq!(bf.get_md5(), "0");