bmp085-driver 0.1.4

A platform agnostic driver to interface the BOSCH BMP085 pressure sensor
//! A platform agnostic driver to interface the [Bosch Sensortec]( BMP085 pressure sensor, written in Rust.
//! Please note that the BMP085 sensor has been [discontinued]( by Bosch Sensortec in 2013.
//!This driver is build using the [embedded-hal]( traits.
//! [embedded-hal]:
//! ## Features
//! - Reading the calibration coefficients from the sensor eeprom
//! - Reading the uncompensated temperature from the sensor
//! - Converting the uncompensated temperature to d℃
//! - Reading the uncompensated pressure from the sensor
//! - Converting the uncompensated pressure to hPa
//! - Converting the pressure in hPa to hPa relative to altitude normal null (optional feature)
//! - Tests for the conversion functions according to the data-sheet of the sensor

#![allow(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref, clippy::new_ret_no_self)]

use core::mem;

use cast::{i16, i32, u16, u32};
use generic_array::typenum::consts::*;
use generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray};
use hal::blocking::delay::DelayUs;
use hal::blocking::i2c::{Write, WriteRead};

/// BMP085 module address.
// The LSB of the device address distinguishes between read (1) and
// write (0) operation, corresponding to address 0xEF (read) and 0xEE
// (write). Note: embedded-hal/blocking/i2c uses 7-bit addresses.
const ADDRESS: u8 = 0b1110111; // 7-bit I²C address, missing least significant r/w bit

/// BMP085 registers
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Register {
    COEFF_AC1 = 0xAA,
    COEFF_AC2 = 0xAC,
    COEFF_AC3 = 0xAE,
    COEFF_AC4 = 0xB0,
    COEFF_AC5 = 0xB2,
    COEFF_AC6 = 0xB4,
    COEFF_B1 = 0xB6,
    COEFF_B2 = 0xB8,
    COEFF_MB = 0xBA,
    COEFF_MC = 0xBC,
    COEFF_MD = 0xBE,
    /// Control register
    CONTROL_REG = 0xF4,
    /// First value register, next is 0xF7, 0xF8
    VALUE_REG = 0xF6,

impl Register {
    pub fn addr(&self) -> u8 {
        *self as u8

/// BMP085 control register values for different internal oversampling settings (osrs)
// Instead of waiting for the maximum conversion time, the output pin
// EOC (end of conversion) can be used to check if the conversion is
// finished (logic 1) or still running (logic 0).
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum ControlRegisterValue {
    CONTROL_VALUE_TEMPERATURE = 0x2E,     // Max. conversion time 4.5ms
    CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_0 = 0x34, // Max. conversion time 4.5ms
    CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_1 = 0x74, // Max. conversion time 7.5ms
    CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_2 = 0xB4, // Max. conversion time 13.5ms
    CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_3 = 0xF4, // Max. conversion time 25.5ms

impl ControlRegisterValue {
    pub fn addr(&self) -> u8 {
        *self as u8

impl From<Oversampling> for ControlRegisterValue {
    fn from(oss: Oversampling) -> Self {
        match oss {
            Oversampling::UltraLowPower => ControlRegisterValue::CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_0,
            Oversampling::Standard => ControlRegisterValue::CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_1,
            Oversampling::HighResolution => ControlRegisterValue::CONTROL_VALUE_PRESSURE_OSRS_2,
            Oversampling::UltraHighResolution => {

/// Calibration coefficients from BMP085 eeprom. These are used to
/// calculate the temperature and the pressure. They are
/// calibrated by the manufacturer, individually for each silicon.
struct Coefficients {
    pub ac1: i16,
    pub ac2: i16,
    pub ac3: i16,
    pub ac4: u16,
    pub ac5: u16,
    pub ac6: u16,
    pub b1: i16,
    pub b2: i16,
    pub mb: i16,
    pub mc: i16,
    pub md: i16,

impl Coefficients {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Coefficients {
            ac1: 0,
            ac2: 0,
            ac3: 0,
            ac4: 0,
            ac5: 0,
            ac6: 0,
            b1: 0,
            b2: 0,
            mb: 0,
            mc: 0,
            md: 0,

/// Oversampling modes
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Oversampling {
    /// Number of samples 1, conversion time max 4.5ms, average current 3µA
    UltraLowPower = 0,
    /// Number of samples 2, conversion time max 7.5ms, average current 5µA
    Standard = 1,
    /// Number of samples 4, conversion time max 13.5ms, average current 7µA
    HighResolution = 2,
    /// Number of samples 8, conversion time max. 22.5ms, average current 12µA
    UltraHighResolution = 3,

impl Oversampling {
    fn value(&self) -> u8 {
        *self as u8

/// BMP085 driver
pub struct Bmp085<I2C, TIMER: DelayUs<u16>> {
    i2c: I2C,
    timer: TIMER,
    coeff: Coefficients,
    oss: Oversampling,

/// Temperature in deci degree Celsius (dC)
pub type DeciCelcius = i32;

/// Pressure in Pascal (Pa)
pub type Pascal = i32;

/// Result of the BMP085 sensor read-out
pub struct PT {
    /// Temperature in deci degree Celsius, e.g. 241 for 24.1 ℃
    pub temperature: DeciCelcius,
    /// Pressure in Pascal relative to the location of the sensor.
    /// Note that meteorological pressures are given relative to
    /// normal null sea level in order to be location independent and
    /// comparable. The function `pressure_to_normal_null` can be used
    /// to convert the location pressure to normal null.
    pub pressure: Pascal,

impl<I2C, TIMER, E> Bmp085<I2C, TIMER>
    I2C: WriteRead<Error = E> + Write<Error = E>,
    TIMER: DelayUs<u16>,
    /// Create a new driver from a I2C peripheral with given oversampling settings.
    pub fn new(i2c: I2C, timer: TIMER, oss: Oversampling) -> Result<Self, E> {
        let mut bmp085 = Bmp085 {
            coeff: Coefficients::new(),

        // Get calibration coefficients from the BMP085 eeprom
        bmp085.coeff.ac1 = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_AC1)?;
        bmp085.coeff.ac2 = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_AC2)?;
        bmp085.coeff.ac3 = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_AC3)?;
        bmp085.coeff.ac4 = bmp085.read_u16(Register::COEFF_AC4)?;
        bmp085.coeff.ac5 = bmp085.read_u16(Register::COEFF_AC5)?;
        bmp085.coeff.ac6 = bmp085.read_u16(Register::COEFF_AC6)?;
        bmp085.coeff.b1 = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_B1)?;
        bmp085.coeff.b2 = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_B2)?;
        bmp085.coeff.mb = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_MB)?; = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_MC)?; = bmp085.read_i16(Register::COEFF_MD)?;


    fn read_u16(&mut self, reg: Register) -> Result<u16, E> {
        let buf: GenericArray<u8, U2> = self.read_register(reg)?;
        Ok((u16(buf[0]) << 8) + u16(buf[1]))

    fn read_i16(&mut self, reg: Register) -> Result<i16, E> {
        let buf: GenericArray<u8, U2> = self.read_register(reg)?;
        Ok((i16(buf[0]) << 8) + i16(buf[1]))

    fn read_register<N>(&mut self, reg: Register) -> Result<GenericArray<u8, N>, E>
        N: ArrayLength<u8>,
        let mut buffer: GenericArray<u8, N> = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
            let buffer: &mut [u8] = &mut buffer;
            self.i2c.write_read(ADDRESS, &[reg.addr()], buffer)?;

    fn write_register(&mut self, reg: Register, byte: u8) -> Result<(), E> {
        self.i2c.write(ADDRESS, &[reg.addr(), byte])

    /// Read temperature and pressure from sensor.
    pub fn read(&mut self) -> Result<PT, E> {
        // Read temperature, wait 4.5ms before reading the value
        let ut = self.read_i16(Register::VALUE_REG)?;
        let (temperature, b5) = calculate_temperature(i32(ut), &self.coeff);

        // Read pressure
        let press_reg_value = ControlRegisterValue::from(self.oss);
        self.write_register(Register::CONTROL_REG, press_reg_value.addr())?;
        self.timer.delay_us(1000 * (2 + (3 << self.oss.value())));
        let up: GenericArray<u8, U3> = self.read_register(Register::VALUE_REG)?;
        let up: i32 =
            ((i32(up[0]) << 16) + (i32(up[1]) << 8) + i32(up[2])) >> (8 - self.oss.value());
        let pressure: Pascal = calculate_true_pressure(up, b5, self.oss, &self.coeff);

        Ok(PT {

// Temperature calculation according data-sheet
fn calculate_temperature(ut: i32, coeff: &Coefficients) -> (DeciCelcius, i32) {
    let x1: i32 = ((ut - i32(coeff.ac6)) * i32(coeff.ac5)) >> 15;
    let x2: i32 = (i32( << 11) / (x1 + i32(;
    let b5: i32 = x1 + x2; // Value b5 is used in pressure calculation
    let t: DeciCelcius = (b5 + 8) >> 4;
    (t, b5)

// Pressure calculation according data-sheet
fn calculate_true_pressure(up: i32, b5: i32, oss: Oversampling, coeff: &Coefficients) -> Pascal {
    let b6: i32 = b5 - 4000;

    // B3
    let x1: i32 = ((i32(coeff.b2) * (b6 * b6)) >> 12) >> 11;
    let x2: i32 = (i32(coeff.ac2) * b6) >> 11;
    let x3: i32 = x1 + x2;
    let b3: i32 = (((i32(coeff.ac1) * 4 + x3) << oss.value()) + 2) >> 2;

    // B4
    let x1: i32 = (i32(coeff.ac3) * b6) >> 13;
    let x2: i32 = (i32(coeff.b1) * ((b6 * b6) >> 12)) >> 16;
    let x3: i32 = (x1 + x2 + 2) >> 2;
    let b4: u32 = (u32(coeff.ac4) * ((x3 as u32) + 32768)) >> 15;

    // B7 (use u32 instead of long, differs from data-sheet)
    let b7: u32 = ((up - b3) as u32) * (50000u32 >> oss.value());

    let p: i32 = if b7 < 0x8000_0000 {
        b7 * 2 / b4
    } else {
        b7 / b4 * 2
    } as i32;

    let x1: i32 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8);
    let x1: i32 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16;
    let x2: i32 = (-7357 * p) >> 16;
    p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4)

/// Convert pressure from sensor (altitude dependant) to pressure in
/// hecto Pascal (hPa) relative to sea level normal null.
/// # Arguments
/// * `p` - Pressure in Pascal
/// * `altitude` - Altitude in Meters
#[cfg(feature = "default")]
pub fn pressure_to_normal_null(p: Pascal, altitude: u16) -> u16 {
    let z = (p as f32) / libm::powf(1f32 - (f32::from(altitude) / 44330f32), 5.255f32);
    libm::roundf(z / 100f32) as u16

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn calculate_temp_pressure() {
        // Example coefficient values according data-sheet
        let coeff = Coefficients {
            ac1: 408,
            ac2: -72,
            ac3: -14383,
            ac4: 32741,
            ac5: 32757,
            ac6: 23153,
            b1: 6190,
            b2: 4,
            mb: -32767,
            mc: -8711,
            md: 2868,

        let ut: i32 = 27898; // Uncompensated temperature from sensor
        let up: i32 = 23843; // Uncompensated pressure from sensor
        let oss = Oversampling::UltraLowPower;
        assert_eq!(oss.value(), 0);

        let (deci_c, b5) = calculate_temperature(ut, &coeff);
        assert_eq!(deci_c, 150);
        assert_eq!(b5, 2400); // Differs from data-sheet example, IMHO OK

        let pressure: Pascal = calculate_true_pressure(up, b5, oss, &coeff);
        assert_eq!(pressure, 69964); // Value from data-sheet

    #[cfg(feature = "default")]
    fn calculate_pressure_to_normal_null() {
        let p: Pascal = 93728;
        let alt: u16 = 691; // Holzkirchen, Germany
        let pnn = pressure_to_normal_null(p, alt);
        assert_eq!(1018, pnn);