bluetooth_mesh 0.1.4

Cross-platform, full Bluetooth Mesh stack implemented in Rust. Following the Bluetooth Mesh Spec Core v1.0 by SIG. Designed to work with any almost any BLE radio (uses for platform dependent Bluetooth drivers). While a stack is provided by the library, all the primatives and objects needed to customize and create your own stack are provided. See for more.
//! # Pure Rust Bluetooth Mesh Stack.
//! The layers are designed so they can be put together in different ways to make different stacks
//! (single-threaded, multi-threaded, multi-radio, etc).
//! General stack glue is available in [`stack`] while a prebuilt full-stack requires `std`,
//! `async`, etc.
//! ## How a Bluetooth Mesh Stack works
// No STD disabled until goes stable/nightly.
//Might re-enable clippy::restriction later.
#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery, clippy::cargo)]

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;

#[cfg(feature = "serde-1")]
extern crate serde;

extern crate alloc;
extern crate btle;
pub use btle::bytes;
pub mod random;
pub mod timestamp;
pub mod uuid;

pub mod access;
pub mod address;
pub mod beacon;
pub mod bearer;
pub mod control;
pub mod crypto;
pub mod foundation;
pub mod lower;
pub mod mesh;
pub mod net;
pub mod reassembler;
pub mod replay;
pub mod segmenter;
pub mod upper;

pub mod device_state;
pub mod friend;
pub mod interface;
pub mod relay;
//pub mod mesh_io;
pub mod advertisement;
pub mod stack;

pub mod models;

pub mod provisioning;

pub mod properties;

pub mod samples;