blindfold 1.0.7

⚙️ gitignore file generator written in rust
mod test {
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    fn http_get() {
        // make sure a valid url does not return nothing
                                       contents/templates?ref=master"), "");
        // make sure that an invalid url causes an error (ok because the repo url is hardcoded)

    fn generate_gitignore_file() {
        // setup
        let mut map: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new(); 

        let langs = vec!["rust"];
        let empty_lang = vec![""];
        let has_empty_lang = vec!["", "rust"];
        // add a single language and generate a gitignore for it
        assert_eq!(blindfold::generate_gitignore_file(langs, &map), 
                   "# RUST gitignore generated by Blindfold\n\n# Generated by Cargo\n# will have compiled files and executables\n/target/\n\n# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries\n# More information here\nCargo.lock\n\n# These are backup files generated by rustfmt\n**/*.rs.bk\n\n\n");
        // empty vector should return an empty string
        assert_eq!(blindfold::generate_gitignore_file(empty_lang, &map), "");
        // if there is an empty language, it should return a gitignore for the valid languages
        assert_eq!(blindfold::generate_gitignore_file(has_empty_lang, &map), 
                   "# RUST gitignore generated by Blindfold\n\n# Generated by Cargo\n# will have compiled files and executables\n/target/\n\n# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries\n# More information here\nCargo.lock\n\n# These are backup files generated by rustfmt\n**/*.rs.bk\n\n\n");
    fn get_gitignore_file() {
        // setup
        let mut map: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new(); 
        map.insert(String::from("rust"), String::from("\
        let language = "rust";
        // get raw gitignore from the github api
        assert_eq!(blindfold::get_raw_ignore_file(&map, language), 
                   "# Generated by Cargo\n# will have compiled files and executables\n/target/\n\n# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries\n# More information here\nCargo.lock\n\n# These are backup files generated by rustfmt\n**/*.rs.bk\n");
        // non existent language should return an empty string
        assert_eq!(blindfold::get_raw_ignore_file(&map, ""), "");
    fn suggest_most_similar() {
        // setup
        let mut map: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new(); 
        map.insert(String::from("rust"), String::from("rust gitignore url"));
        map.insert(String::from("c++"), String::from("c++ gitignore url"));
        let language = "roost";
        let dissimilar_language = "this is not a language, but should still give a suggestion";

        // function takes a y/n from standard input, so need to pass this as input to the function
        let yes_input = b"y";
        let no_input = b"n";
        // not testing std out so can just pass empty vec
        let mut output = Vec::new();
        let yes_answer = blindfold::suggest_most_similar(&yes_input[..],
                                                         &mut output,

        let no_answer = blindfold::suggest_most_similar(&no_input[..],
                                                        &mut output,

        let yes_answer_dissimilar = blindfold::suggest_most_similar(&yes_input[..],
                                                                    &mut output,

        // most similar should be rust
        assert_eq!(yes_answer, Some(String::from("rust")));
        // if not accepted the most similar should be `None`
        assert_eq!(no_answer, None);
        // even if the typo is very different, it should still give a suggestion
        assert_ne!(yes_answer_dissimilar, None);
