blindfold 1.0.7

⚙️ gitignore file generator written in rust
use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use colored::*;
mod lib;
mod test;

// API endpoint for the gitignore templates repository
const API_URL: &str = "";

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let matches = App::new("Blindfold")
                    .author("Eoin McMahon <>")
                    .about("Grabs gitignore templates from")
                        .help("template(s) to generate gitignore for i.e Rust, Flutter, VsCode etc. WARNING: this will override any current gitignore"))
                    .arg(Arg::with_name("APPEND LANGUAGE(S)")
                        .help("adds template(s) to pre-existing gitignore file_map"))
                        .help("Destination to store the gitignore file in")
                        .about("Lists all available gitignore templates"))

    // perform a get request to list the gitignore repository files
    let repo_contents: String = lib::http_get(API_URL);
    let file_map: HashMap<String, String> = lib::build_file_map(&repo_contents);

    // unwrap arguments and generate gitignore
    let destination: &str = matches.value_of("DESTINATION").unwrap_or("./");

    // if passed list command, list and return
    if let Some(_) = matches.subcommand_matches("list") {
        return Ok(());

    else if matches.is_present("LANGUAGE(S)") {
        let languages: Vec<&str> = matches.values_of("LANGUAGE(S)").unwrap().collect();
        let gitignore: String = lib::generate_gitignore_file(languages, &file_map);
        // write gitignore to file
        if !gitignore.is_empty() {
            lib::write_to_file(destination, gitignore).expect("Couldn't write to file ⚠️ ");
            return Ok(());
    else if matches.is_present("APPEND LANGUAGE(S)") {
        let additional_languages: Vec<&str> = matches.values_of("APPEND LANGUAGE(S)").unwrap().collect();
        let gitignore: String = lib::generate_gitignore_file(additional_languages, &file_map);
        if !gitignore.is_empty() {
            // append to existing gitignore to file
            lib::append_to_file(destination, gitignore).expect("Couldn't write to file ⚠️ ");
            return Ok(());

    // if no arguments are supplied, exit
    println!("{}, no gitignore to write! ⚠️", "Stopping".red());

    return Ok(());