bitvec 0.21.1

A crate for manipulating memory, bit by bit
//! Internal support utilities.

use core::{

use crate::{

/** Normalizes any range into a basic `Range`.

This unpacks any range type into an ordinary `Range`, returning the start and
exclusive end markers. If the start marker is not provided, it is assumed to be
zero; if the end marker is not provided, then it is assumed to be `end`.

The end marker, if provided, may be greater than `end`. This is not checked in
the function, and must be inspected by the caller.

# Type Parameters

- `R`: A range of some kind

# Parameters

- `bounds`: A range of some kind
- `end`: The value to use as the exclusive end, if the range does not have an

# Returns

`bounds` normalized to an ordinary `Range`, optionally clamped to `end`.
pub fn normalize_range<R>(bounds: R, end: usize) -> Range<usize>
where R: RangeBounds<usize> {
	let min = match bounds.start_bound() {
		Bound::Included(&n) => n,
		Bound::Excluded(&n) => n + 1,
		Bound::Unbounded => 0,
	let max = match bounds.end_bound() {
		Bound::Included(&n) => n + 1,
		Bound::Excluded(&n) => n,
		Bound::Unbounded => end,
	min .. max

/** Asserts that a range satisfies bounds constraints.

This requires that the range start be not greater than the range end, and the
range end be not greater than the ending marker (if provided).

# Parameters

- `range`: The range to validate
- `end`: An optional maximal value that the range cannot exceed

# Panics

This panics if the range fails a requirement.
pub fn assert_range(range: Range<usize>, end: impl Into<Option<usize>>) {
	if range.start > range.end {
			"Malformed range: `{} .. {}` must run from lower to higher",
			range.start, range.end
	if let Some(end) = end.into() {
		if range.end > end {
				"Range out of bounds: `{} .. {}` must not exceed `{}`",
				range.start, range.end, end

/// Tests if two `BitOrder` type parameters match each other.
/// This evaluates to a compile-time constant, and is removed during codegen.
pub fn match_order<O1, O2>() -> bool
	O1: BitOrder,
	O2: BitOrder,
	TypeId::of::<O1>() == TypeId::of::<O2>()

/// Tests if two `<O, T>` type parameter pairs match each other.
/// This evaluates to a compile-time constant, and is removed during codegen.
pub fn match_types<O1, T1, O2, T2>() -> bool
	O1: BitOrder,
	T1: BitStore,
	O2: BitOrder,
	T2: BitStore,
	match_order::<O1, O2>() && TypeId::of::<T1>() == TypeId::of::<T2>()

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
mod tests {
	use std::panic::catch_unwind;

	use super::*;

	fn check_range_asserts() {
		assert!(catch_unwind(|| assert_range(7 .. 2, None)).is_err());
		assert!(catch_unwind(|| assert_range(0 .. 8, 4)).is_err());