bitlab 0.5.2

Extracting a range of bits from a binary data source
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# Objective:

To extract a range of bits from a binary data source

# Status


# Documentation

This crate is published at []( The detailed documentation is available at [](

# Version


# Usage

1. In your Cargo.toml file, add `bitlab = "0.5"` under `[dependencies]`
2. In your source file, add `extern crate bitlab` and `use bitlab::*;`

## Example 1: 

Start at bit offset 1, extract 3 bits and interpret the result as u8

use bitlab::*;
let a: i8 = -33; // = 0b1101_1111;
let b = a.get_u8(1, 3).unwrap();  // 1 --> 101 <-- 1111
//                                         = 5
assert_eq!(b, 5);

## Example 2:

use bitlab::*;
let a: u8 = 0b0000_0101;

// Get the most significant bit. It has the bit offset 0
assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);

// Set the most significant bit. Expect 0b1000_0101
assert_eq!(a.set_bit(0).unwrap(), 133);

// Clear the most significant bit. Expect 0b0000_0101
assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(0).unwrap(), 5);

## Example 3: 

The data source is a vector of u8 types. We want to go to byte offset 1, 
bit offset 7 and starting from there extract 3 bits as an u16

use bitlab::*;
let v: Vec<u8> = vec!{ 0x48, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F }; // = "Hallo"
let bar = v.get_u16(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110_000  --> 1_01 <-- 10_1100
//                                                                         = 5
assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 5);

## Example 4:

There is a very simple application in the examples directory, which extracts the color resolution from a real gif file. To run it enter the folloeing in the command line

cargo run --release --example gif