bitfield 0.0.13

A procedural macro to generate bitfield-like stuct

//! You can use the same attributes as for `struct`s.
//! The attributes only apply to the struct declaration, not the impl/methods
//! You can also set attributes for each field.
//! They will apply to the getter and setter methods.

    /// You can put documentation comments
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub demo_attrs,
    /// The first field
    pub field1: 3,
    pub field2: 10,
    /// The third field
    pub field3: [2; 4],
    pub field4: [2; 7],

fn main() {
    let mut foo = demo_attrs::new([0; 5]);
    let bar = foo.clone();
    println!("foo: {:?}", foo);
    println!("bar: {:?}", bar);