bitcoins-ledger 0.2.2

Ledger Nano X/S Bitcoin app utilization library
//! Ledger Bitcoin Application
//! This application handles getting XPubs and signatures from the ledger device, and relies
//! heavily on the `coins_bip32` and `bitcoins` crates. Please see those crates for documentation
//! of their respective types.
//! This app can be used in native and WASM applications. In native settings, it uses the `hidapi`
//! to acquire the lock, while in WASM applications it uses a ledger JS transport library.


pub(crate) mod utils;

/// Core BTC APP.
pub mod app;

pub use app::{SigningInfo, LedgerBTC};

use thiserror::Error;

/// Error types
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum LedgerBTCError {
    /// Bip32 Error
    Bip32Error(#[from] coins_bip32::Bip32Error),

    /// Derivation path too long for ledger
    #[error("Derivation Path is too long. Only 10 derivations allowed.")]

    /// Underlying ledger transport error
    LedgerError(#[from] coins_ledger::errors::LedgerError),

    /// Device response was unexpectedly none
    #[error("Received unexpected response from device. Expected data in response, found none.")]

    /// `get_tx_signatures` received an incorrect number of signing_info objects
        "Received the wrong number of prevouts/key derivtions while signing. Need 1 per witness."