bitcoind 0.18.0

Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment
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# Bitcoind

Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment.

use bitcoincore_rpc::RpcApi;
let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new("/usr/local/bin/bitcoind").unwrap();
assert_eq!(0, bitcoind.client.get_blockchain_info().unwrap().blocks);



## Features

  * It waits until bitcoind daemon become ready to accept RPC commands
  * bitcoind use a temporary directory as datadir
  * Free ports are asked to the OS (a low probability race condition is still possible) 
  * the process is killed when the struct goes out of scope no matter how the test finishes
  * allows easy spawning of dependent process like

## Cargo features

When a feature like `0_21_1` is selected, the build script will automatically download the bitcoin core version 0.21.1
and verify the hashes and place it in the build directory for this crate.
Use utility function `downloaded_exe_path()` to get the downloaded executable path.

### Example

##### Cargo.toml


bitcoind = { version = "0.12.0", features = "0_21_1" }

#### In your tests

let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new(bitcoind::downloaded_exe_path().unwrap()).unwrap();