bitcoind 0.18.0

Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment
version = "0.10"

version = "1.0"

version = "0.4"

version = "<2"
version = "0.14"

version = "0.5.3"

version = "0.4"

version = "3.1"
version = "0.8"

0_17_1 = []
0_18_0 = []
0_18_1 = []
0_19_0_1 = []
0_19_1 = []
0_20_0 = []
0_20_1 = []
0_21_0 = []
0_21_1 = []

authors = ["Riccardo Casatta <>"]
description = "Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
name = "bitcoind"
repository = ""
version = "0.18.0"